Qilive wireless audio unit
Scanned with R5.3.0.523 in one session using feature mode and resume taking advantage of the new edit frames feature
- Scanned the bottom side first, edited the frames to remove the turntable overlap and the extraneous objects used for feature tracking.
- Flipped the object and resumed the scan scanning the other side.
- Edited Raw frames again to cleanup the extraneous objects
- Fused at 0.08
- Removed isolated points with default 15%
- Fused mesh at 5.9 with close holes 30%
- Smoothed once at T3 S0.1
- Simplified mesh at 70% ( from 2M to 7K vertexes)
- Used Cloudcompare to orient flat the part and uploaded to sketchfab for download
Downloadable final mesh
Fused pointcloud
Final notes
Since Revopoint is still lacking the ability to align a model to ortographic planes here is a quick tutorial on how to do it with 3 point levelling in CloudCompare