When I export my scans as .stl and then attempt to import into CloudCompare (or solidworks for that matter) I get a warning. For example CloudCompare says “do you really expect to load 175729776 point clouds”.
I have tried to “simplify” my scans and all it does is give me a low resolution scan and the same error.
It says 515221 vertices and 1030438 polygons. This is actually the sample file provided by the software (the bust). Here is a link to the simplified scan Dropbox that I exported for cloud compare. Even though this is the sample scan I have the issues with my own scans
It’s version 2.13.2. I had a similar problem with my old scanner software from next engine but I was able to simplify the model enough that cloud compare can open the files but I don’t lose any resolution in the scan.
I used a completely new scan this time of something I scanned. I cleaned it up in Revopoint and simplified it more than I would like. Exported as .ply and this is what I get. Happens every time