Pop 3 kullanıcısıyım ve malesef en basit nesnelerde bile başarılı tarama yapamıyoryum. cihazı alalı aylar oldu ancak 1 tane bile baskı yapamadım. İnternette videoları izliyorum çok hızlı ve başarılı taramalar yapılıyor. Bendeki sorun ne olabilir?
Nasıl bir parçayı taramaya çalışıyorsunuz? Şekli, ebatları nedir?
Bir kaç görsel ile açıklarsanız yardımcı olmaya çalışayım.
Hi @Teodemir can you please post in English … I don’t know what language it is .
İngilizce mesaj göndermek için deepl gibi ücretsiz bir çevirmen kullanabilirsiniz. Bu, daha fazla forum üyesinin sizi anlamasını kolaylaştırır ve daha fazlası size yardımcı olur.
(in english:You can use some free translator like deepl for posting in english. It makes it easier for more forum members to understand you and more will help you out.)
@PUTV : it’s turkish🙂
here translated post from Teodemir
“I am a Pop 3 user and unfortunately I cannot scan even the simplest objects successfully. It has been months since I bought the device but I have not been able to print even 1 print. I watch videos on the internet and very fast and successful scans are made. What could be the problem with me?”
translated answer from msomuncu:
'What kind of part are you trying to scan, what
“is its shape, what are its dimensions?
If you explain with a few images, I will try to help you.”
tarama düzeneğinizin bir fotoğrafını, nasıl taradığınızı veya belki daha da iyisi bir videosunu paylaşabilir misiniz?
Bunlar oldukça özelliksiz nesneler olduğundan, bunları ya işaretleyici modunda taramalı ya da daha kolay izleme için bunların etrafına bazı zengin özelliklere sahip nesneler yerleştirmeli ve işlem sonrası bunları kesmelisiniz.
(can you maybe share a photo of your scanning setup, how you scan it or maybe, even better, a video of it.
As these are rather featureless objects you should either scan them in marker mode or placing some feature-rich objects around these for easier tracking and cut them out in the post-processing.)
I pay attention to the distance setting while scanning. I pay attention to the light environment. Am I scanning for a long time? Or how much should the frame values be? I cannot even scan the human figure that comes with the device properly and quickly.
Thank you in advance for your support
gönderdiğim örnekler faydalı olur mu?
The surface is too regular and very easy to loose tracking because of lacking features. for such objects you either need to scan them in marker mode or use some additional stuff around for tracking. Here are plates you can 3d print and then place your object in the middle.
You also shouldn´t overscan the object, that means, one full turn is enough. Maybe pause after one turn to readjust the angle of the scanner before scan for another turn.
Thank you, I will try what you said. What color should I print this auxiliary part? will it be white?
When I scan with marker mode, it does not detect when I turn the object, the scan is confused.
I will have to correct myself, respectively be more precise and add something:
when using marker mode, you can’t change the position of object and continue scanning because marker position stays the same and in that scanning mode software uses marker position for stitching each new frame. you can only change the angle of the scanner in that mode if you have to pause the scan and change the position only of scanner (like for scannig of some undercuts).
so, when scanning in MARKER mode and you need to move/turn the object ,you will need to do two (or more) separate scans and merge them later.
if you use FEATURE mode with some kind of tracking aid like those 3d printed plated for tracking and you need to change position of the object during the scan, you will have to make different dcans and merge the later.
only when the surface of the object itself has enough features to be tracked without problems in feature mode and on a flat surface so you don’t need any additional tracking aid, then normally you can pause your scan, turn the object and continue scanning.
There must be just enough allready scanned area in old and new position for software to continue tracking.
try it with that white head like in tutorial, because that is a kind of surface with enough features to be tracked in different posotion im feature mode without any other tracking aid.
also, be sure your CAMERA EXPOSURE is set right. read here about it under 3.
It is essential to understand how the scanner and different scanning modes work to adapt you scanning strategy depending on the object you want to scan.
keep going and you will succeed.
Hello again
I am trying to apply what you said. However, since the object I want to scan requires internal and external scanning, I also need to turn the object. it is forcing me.
I would scan it once placed down, once turned updside down and once placed on the side if needed for complete merging. process each scan (pointcloud) incl. removing all unneccessary parts (like markers) and then merge three scans.
remember , you can merge up to 9 pointclouds.
here is a video of such processing to give you an idea.