"noobie" got pop 3

Got mine first 3d scanner few weeks ago. Main reason looking scanner was 3d printer, even that have awesome 3d ready to print. Still need for custom stuff is there. Mainly need on small car parts scanning.

Did look multiple scanners what may work in my case. I was happy i did know someone who have been using scanners long time now, it was easy to ask adwise choose. Did endup whit pop 3, Now whit some scans i have made it do work. Just need learn more to use full 3d scanner potential.

one of the first models i did take

Here modeling intake adapter to throttlebodies

Really not the easiest part to scan. alloy and shiny part. Did take few atempts to get good scan. trakking dots on scan plate and “spray” to item and just multiple scans. Dimensions look really good and speeds up working lot.

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Very good scan @corolla , structured light scanners can’t project well pattern on metal and shiny objects, it is like projecting a movie on a shiny metal , you will see not much , for that reason the surface need to be matte enough so the sensors can see well the projected pattern. So this is not the scanner issue but the surfaces.
Anyway you managed it well !