POP 2 - 3D scanning of a dark and shining bronze - a nymph

Hi everyone,
today posting the whole process of 3D scanning, editing and post-processing of a bronze sculpture. The sculpture has fine details, undercut, dark colour, shining surface. In sum, this is a challenge to evaluate how far the potential of the POP 2 scanner can be pushed. Furthermore, I have decided not to treat the surface to “facilitate” scanning.
Scanning was done using handheld mode.
I have been asked to make suggestions for using Meshlab for editing and creating the mesh. This work was done using HandyScan software for scanning, Meshlab for cleaning the scans, aligning them, and finally creating the mesh. Last (but not least), with Meshmixer (another software that many will know) I made the post-processing of the 3D model and the creation of the base of the sculpture.

The 3D scanning, as I wrote, was carried out by taking several shots from different angles, varying the brightness and gain values to optimize the scan.

The various scanned parts were aligned with Meshlab.

Two meshes are aligned at a time, marking on both homologous points. The more points marked, the faster and more accurate the alignment.

After aligning the various scans, the point cloud was obtained (in the following image).

The next step is to create the mesh. In the image below the settings are used.

In the image below the obtained mesh.

After examining the result, I decided to perform a scan to improve the resolution of the face and to eliminate an artifact present on the right leg (see the images below).


To do this, it was necessary to first prepare the model created by carrying out some editing operations with the Meshmixer software.

After eliminating the parts to be replaced (I also eliminated the base which I subsequently digitally reconstructed with Meshmixer) I performed two new scans of the face and the right leg.

Then I loaded the model with the deleted parts and the two scans to align in Meshlab.

Below is the result of all these operations for the realization of the 3D model and with the base reconstructed in Meshmixer.

A few final considerations. It took about 3 hours to complete the entire process, from scanning to editing and post-processing.
The result is truly excellent and the characteristics of the scanner allow results that, when properly processed, can also be used in the professional field. I would like to underline that the editing and post-processing process of a scan is (and point up IS), always necessary and inevitable, whatever scanner you use.
For consumer users, however, it has some characteristics of use that allow obtaining results “without too much effort”.

The original 3D model have more than 1.000.000 vertices, the model uploaded on sketchfab is a decimated version (300.000 vertices).

In the image below, the 3D model measurements displayed in Meshmixer.

Happy new year


I am impressed with the results. When I bought the POP, I was a neophyte and didn’t realize the amount of post-processing effort that would be entailed with scanners, and the errors that could propagate when attempting reverse engineering, but I have been impressed with the POP’s abilities vis-a-vis the more artistic endeavors and your post exemplifies that.


Hi JeffLindstrom,
thanks for your appreciation.
I am a professional art conservator and use 3D technologies in my work, for several purposes:
3D replica and documentation, reconstruct missing parts, design of support for museum exposition and so on.
Happy new year


Amazing work, great tutorial.
I’d love to get into this field (museums).
I tried getting into palaeontology but it’s really hard without a degree :frowning:

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Thank you very much for your appreciation
Happy new year

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Thx for detailed description of your post processing, VERY helpful!

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Ciao, rispetto ad handy studio è migliore meshlab per unire le scansioni? la pulitura della scansione consiste nel rimuovere parti con artefatti o c’e anche altro che migliora la scansione fatta

This was an excellent discussion. I really appreciate the effort that went into your post and the results are gorgeous!

A couple of questions.

First, approximately what is the size of the original sculpture?

Second, with the understanding that you are experienced in using the tools, how many hours did it take you to complete the scans and the post-processing to your satisfaction?

meshlab consente di caricare più scansioni contemporaneamente. L’eliminazione degli artefatti e il corretto allineamento delle scansioni sono essenziali per ottenere una mesh di qualità

meshlab allows you to upload multiple scans at the same time. The elimination of artifacts and the correct alignment of the scans are essential to obtain a quality mesh

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Hi eventhorizons,
Thank you for your appreciation.
I have added an image with the dimensions of the sculpture which are: 34 x 11 x 16 cm approx.
Like I wrote in the post for It took about 3 hours to complete the entire process, from scanning to editing and post-processing.

My apologies! I missed the comment about how long it took!

The sculpture is much larger then I had imagined. I just admire what true artists are able to accomplish!

Anyway, I’m looking forward to getting my POP2!

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Hi ivan,
Thank you for your appreciation


Grazie per la risposta

Ottimo lavoro, una domanda ma vist che la ninfa non era grandissima, perchè non hai usato il piatto rotante… nelle mie prove ho visto che le scansioni vengono molto bene anche con quello e si fa mota meno fatica poi a sistemarle…
grazie per ottimo lavoro…
p.s. con che comando hai dato le dimensioni in meshlab… mi servirebbe

Grazie per l’apprezzamento
Ti spiego perché non ho usato il piano rotante:
La scultura é piuttosto pesante essendo in bronzo con una base in pietra.
Il piatto rotante funziona bene ma per gli oggetti che sviluppano in altezza (inscrivibili in un volume cilindrico).
Per le misure (come ho scritto) ho usato Meshmixer
Un saluto

Hello, are you buy them on kickstarter? The official said in February to delivery, isn’t it? What are you up so soon?
Your works great!

Hi qq819830,
Thank you for your appreciation

Revopoint sended to me a unit for testing

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Grazie per risposta, per ovviare io ho preso un girello a mano e ho provato funziona benissimo…
calcola che pietra pesava sugli 80 kg…
ho messo due tappi per avere riferimento poi per metterlo in macchina…
per orientarlo. e prendere origine.
poi con meshmixer ho creato un cilindro da inserire per vedere le dimensioni massime che potevo scavare…