Miraco calibration problem

that’s interesting , still not answering the question why only some people have that issue , bad RS 5.4.12 installation ? wrong folder permission ? definitely nothing to do with Miraco Firmware .

but glad to hear that it worked

I did the installation identical to version 5.4.12, with version 5.4.9. But the calibration only works with this version 5.4.9. I don’t know why

Until we get answer from my team it gonna be a little bit of a mystery why for some it works but not for others.

If they can’t replicate this error then nobody will know . But I am just guessing it may have something to do with the new Miracos Plus profile in RS 5.9.12 that triggered that error but just a logical guess .
I see no other reason .

Hi, has anyone tried to calibrate with this type of near board, on the first versions of the Miraco.

You don’t do that , each version have specific firmware to scan using its own unique board , not recommend but you probably will not able to do it anyway , throw out the old one .

the technical service sent me this near board for my calibration problem. but I can’t do anything with it. I suspect that given the big difference compared to the old one, it dont work

you mean you got the glass plate for calibration ? It is only for Miraco Plus , there may be some issues in communications , unless they preparing a new firmware update for older Miraco Versions . But unless you don’t have Miraco Plus firmware or higher you can’t use the new glass plate .

Yes, it’s the glass one.
Yes, I suspect that it was for another Miraco. The Miraco pro is not capable of this near board. I saw it as soon as I did my first tests.

Ok then it was sent by mistake or a new firmware update is coming soon but that would request everyone to update the glass plate and I don’t think it will happen.
Will ask and give you some answers later on this .

No, the technical service confirms to me that they have tested it on their side and that it is indeed compatible.


That’s weird because I calibrated lately almost all my scanners and my Miraco Pro did not accepted glass calibration , need to check again later today , I asked but did not get reply yet , we are very busy tonight .

no problem thanks

Ok got reply and will check everything today with all scanners to make sure … still little mystery
Unless it is for the next RS5 update but we gonna find out .


Hi, have you been able to test the Miraco with the glass near board?

hi sorry to be a bit repetitive. have you tested the calibration with the glass on the miraco pro thanks

Hi Tony, did you fail to calibrate the MIRACO Pro using the glass calibration board? @PUTV may be too busy with other things to check this for you, I’ll ask our R&D team to confirm this for you.

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Hi, it’s just a question, because he said he was going to test with this board. I have already made a request to the technical service.

Hi Tony , it says on the back that it is for Miraco, but my Miraco Pro do not recognize this glass calibration board . My Miraco Plus yes , and also POP3 Plus


ok thanks. well I think I won’t insist with the technical service. thanks again for the feedback

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the latest update fixes all calibration issues. nice job for this update.

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