Question about miraco precision


i bought a miraco pro to scan window profiles to see if they are well assembled.
i got the miraco yesterday. i tried a few scans but i always get alot of deviations if i compare with my caliper. (23.9mm instead of 23.3mm)
the scanned piece is always ±0.6mm bigger then i measure with my caliper.

how i work:
i cut 10mm from the profile, put a grey/white paint on it.
i use the small turntable on the slowest speed.
i scan one tour of 360° on continuous mode ==> ± 700 frames
the scanner is installed on the tripod.
i already added the marker topper and used marker alignment.

Scan settings:
Accuracy high
Alignment i tried both settings, same result
Object type general
Color is off
near mode
both windows on the left are on auto

for the mesh settings i tried already alot of different setups. always the same result.

does the device needs to be recalibrated? or how can i improve the precision?


Hi @thomasd welcome to the forum

If the scanner is always 0.6 bigger even after different tried the precision is working fine , proper precision means the scanner produces the same copies with each scan .

What you looking for is Accuracy , accuracy is the difference between the scanned object and the scan result .

So in your case the accuracy is off by 0.6mn

What can influence it ?
First is the distance between the scanned surface and the scanner .
Second the far mode needs calibration .

Looking at your scan results and the grainy surface , I suspect here issue with the calibration , especially since you used marker mode what is very sensitive to calibration .

Please try to calibrate your device in Far mode using the board .
Make sure you have good lighting while doing it .

Then try again , if things were taking better , you are ok , if not
You can try to use Feature mode and add some small additional elements to your scan to keep better tracking .

Make sure your scanned object is lifted from the flat surface , avoid reflective plastics .

And make measurements on the distance to be sure all sides stays at excellent result … you can spin it without scanning to see if every corner hit the proper excellent distance .

The difference of 0.6mm is rather too high in Accuracy … try to use more simpler object to ensure the device works proper and measure the results .

If after calibration and everything else still don’t works proper , please contact by writing email plus link to this thread for reference.

Please let me know how it went…