After the update to the new firmware it asks me to calibrate near and far, is it necessary? I also have an error that had never appeared before the firmware.
This point cloud has exceeded the point limit and may cause errors, Do you want to simplify it?
I updated both of my MIRACO and nothing asked me for calibration , it is possible that you did not calibrated it for long period of time that why it ask .
You can do it or cancel .
Regarding the point cloud , it captured so many points that it can cause long processing time if processed on MIRACO in this case you better process it on computer. Simplifying the point cloud will make it lose the details.
The calibration dates back to December 12, 2023, it had never asked me to recalibrate, only after the new firmware it asks me to do it, is there a timer that asks to recalibrate? How often?, I have another problem, connecting the Miraco to the PC it gives me an error that I attach in the photo, if I press ok the Miraco restarts, (the data transfer function works), I’m starting to get seriously worried now.
At the beginning of this video there are recommendations when to recalibrate your MIRACO.
Regarding your second problem:
First vheck the camera permission in windows as described here:
Hi, the update usually does not prompt the need for calibration. You can go to Settings and click “Scanner Calibration” and then enter Near-Mode Calibration or Far-mode calibration to do an accuracy test, if the accuracy test fails, we suggest you calibrate the scanner to avoid affecting the scanning results.
For the camera error popup, you can also refer to the solution in this article.
Yes it asking now if not calibrated for 12 months so it would be right.
The calibration process can be done now direct on MIRACO without the need of PC or computer
Make sure your camera privacy settings are set ON under your system .
If camera privacy settings are on for Revo Scan please try to change the USB port , Miraco PC mode require USB 3
Thanks for the reply,
I checked the privacy on the pc and authorize revoscan software, I also looked at the drivers and they are correct but it does not work, other operations that I did changed usb cable changed pc, I also tried with revopoint installed on the smartphone and I always have the same problem
Sorry to hear that. Please send an email to
contact our customer service team and they can better help you.
I suggest you try another good USB cable and port , since I got my thunderbolt cable I never have any issues again.
MIRACO using a lot of power when connected to PC, the USB may refuse to power it the proper way
Thanks for the reply I used other Miraco to PC cables (they worked before), I also used the original power supply cable to connect to the smartphone but nothing, I wrote to support I’ll update you
Ok great
I sent the logs but everything seemed fine, but it still didn’t work, in the meantime I did the new calibration and by magic now it works!!! I can’t find the connection but that’s fine
The connection has nothing to do with calibration.
It is external power issue between your motherboard USB and the device , there is not official fix for it .
If I don’t use my thunderbolt 8Gb USB cable with my powered USB hub I can’t connect MIRACO to my workstation in PC mode, yet it connect to my win 11 tablet in PC mode using original cable. Ironic right ?
So it’s not the device itself at all .
I spent weeks on figuring it out without results but the last hack worked for me and never issues since .
Ok but this has changed for me after I loaded the new firmware, before I had no problem, however unlike before I connected the Miraco to an ACPI ACPI UCM-ACSI TYPE-C port and it works, but only on that port
I know, I just shared with you my experiences with it.
And I have tones of firmware updates while beta testing it before production and after.
It never affected my tablet connection at all.
It is quite a mystery that nobody have really answer for it.
For the record, my device prompted me for calibration update upon installing the update, as well.
The only thing that comes to mind is that they have improved the USB speed negotiation between the Miraco and the PC to make it stable, if you don’t reach the standard it doesn’t work, if that’s the case it’s fine, but maybe it should also be put on the list of improvements, that’s my opinion
How long does the first calibration take?
rednet, interesting that I went through the calibration procedure and the accuracy check came out good, so I didn’t calibrate. The device, though, still reminded me that I was out of calibration the next time I started it up. I wonder what the purpose of passing an accuracy check would be if not to affirm the current calibration.