Hi Marco
Under “Learning” on the homescreen or under “help” section, after a new project is started there are a plethora of learning and support sources . The “Revo Scan 5 Tutorial video” on its own is over 9min long and just one click away! If this video isn´t enough, there are 169 (!) other videos. And many more from other users.
Yes, this is the only criticism I understand and what I agree with you on, depending on your workstation (PC) and setup with connection at the back such on/off-button would help.
I have 5 different Revopoint 3d Scanners ,and all were and are plug and play on all the PCs and laptops I had them connected to. Only known issue with drivers and mini2 is afaik with users not having their drivers updated , which isn´t revopoint´s fault and still, when such problems occur, revopoint support incl. us other forum members always gladly did and will do our best to figure the problem out and provide a solution. [SOLVED!] Revopoint Mini 2 - Scanner Disconnected - Class for rockusb devices/Rockusb Device
RevoScan for Windows meanwhile is a full fully grown and mature 3d scanning software. What do you mean by “little app to be installed on a tablet” ?!
It looks like you just bought the mini 2. Why do you want to calibrate it? It is precalibrated factorywise and only to be recalibrated if getting bad results you think are related to having bumped or shaken the device.
Can you please share a screenshot to see if this might be a bug? As here, I have no issues with my 4k monitor.
As shown above, plethora of helpfull materials and different media. Did you even scroll down and take a look on some of those provided sources and informations?
That would be a shame and depending on your user cases you might miss some satisfying experiences and results. Yes, there is some learning curve to it, especially if you are new to 3d scanning, but after having worked with some other brands and their 3d scanner, calling mini2 and it’s software “half-baked product” IMO is excessive falsification.
Just sayin’, good luck when you have to deal with some other brand’s support upon problems. Revopoint repeatedly exceeded my expectations on that and luckily are one of the few companies where the word support does justice to it’s name.
Best regards and good luck on your decision