I got my Mini and tried to start using it. When connecting on the back the LED goes on - first blue than green. On the front side the blue Light stays dark.
The computer recognize a new device called “ZXProduct” but the Software “Revo Scan” does not see the Scanner - bottom-left corner it say “Please connect a scanner”. I tried with Revo Scan v4.0.4 and v4.1.0 .
I connected the scanner to USB3-port with the “normal” cable and also tried the split-cable together with a power-bank. Same result.
This together with the front Light staying dark I suspect the scanner could be defect.
I tried to get support via the support-form but haven’t heard anything yet …
Did I miss something I could check or is this a case for replacement?
I never had a problem with hardware on my Dell laptop when using the scanners (although I did have to adjust Firewall permissions when setting up Client mode). I’ve really got to wonder about the default settings that manufacturers place in their Windows computers that causes so many people so many problems.
Things that can invade privacy have to be disabled by default, forcing the user to deliberately enable them.
This is by law in many countries now.
Yes, it is inconvenient. But then software can ‘detect’ this scenario and provide hints to the user as to how to resolve the issue they are experiencing.
It’s how you setup your windows system when you configure it. In my case the first thing I do is disable all the automatic options and set them to Prompt. Camera and microphone in particular and I’m glad @banonay mentioned this because I will run into it (if my Mini ever arrives, that is…).
But that does go back to the discussion WRT how firmware updates are implemented. User security concerns and measures need to be understood and factored in any implementation,
My Computer is running with German Language-Settings. Therefor the exact Name of the Path could be named a little bit different … :
Open Windows-Settings → Privacy Settings → Camera
At the Top is a Button for general activation of access to Cameras → must be turned on
Next comes a Switch to allow Apps to access Camera → must be turned on
Last there is a Switch to allow Desktop-Apps to access the Camera → -> must be turned on
что делать если нагревается? А так же не очень устраивает что модель надо подносить чуть ли не в плотную.Так же заметил проблему с тем что спустя какое то время половина синего луча(либо с левой либо с правой стороны) начинает мигать и отслеживание теряется
Прошло много лет с тех пор, как мы обсуждали перегрев, поэтому я удивлен, что у вас сейчас возникла эта проблема (если только вы не используете более старую модель).
Когда мы обсуждали добавление радиатора к сканерам POP, те, которые были разработаны для карт памяти M.2 с форм-фактором 2280, имели надлежащую посадку на верхнюю часть корпуса, если я правильно помню. Они недорогие и часто поставляются с клейкой лентой для крепления.
It has been years since we have discussed overheating, so I am surprised to read that you are having this problem now (unless you are using an older model).
When we discussed adding a heat sink to the POP scanners, those designed for the M.2 memory cards with a 2280 form factor had the proper fit to the top of the case, if I remember correctly. They are inexpensive and often come with adhesive tape for mounting.