Where do you get support around here? I can’t ask a question without an annoying bot jumping in, and when I wait in the queue to speak to someone and I am the 1st in line; it has been 45 minutes so far. There were no instructions included with the Mini 2 except a quickstart guide which was useless. I figured out on my own how to get the drivers installed and enable Camera access under the privacy settings - thank you for nothing, but I mean…how do you turn this thing on or off??? Do I have to unplug it every time? I knew this was consumer-grade, but wow, not even close to consumer ready. The application doesn’t even maximize to the monitor properly.
Hi @MarcoP
I’m sorry we couldn’t give you support in time. By turn on or off do you mean how to set up the scanner? Here are some Youtube tutorials for MINI 2 that you can watch and learn first. MINI 2 Tutorial Playlist
If you have any more questions, please let me know.
I mean how do you turn the scanner off? As best I can tell, you have to unscrew and then unplug the scanner every time, so I have to purchase a 3rd party USB switch just to turn the scanner off so I don’t wear and tear the port. Please tell me I am wrong; I have never heard of a product not having a simple power switch.
Don’t you have any manuals, support or help on your own website (I don’t have access to Youtube) other than the forum? A wiki, a knowledgebase, some PDFs?
To turn off the scanner, you can simply unplug the USB cable port that is connected to your computer. No need to unscrew the scanner.
Here is a support website https://support.revopoint3d.com/hc/en-us. You can browse to see if there is anything that can help you.
Thank you for the link to the support site. That is helpful!
Hi Marco
When you open Revo Scan 5 you will have access to a lot of stuff from what you can learn , that include documentations and video tutorials . It is all there
Please don’t leave the scanner connected to power all the time , it will shorten the life span as with all electronic devices , simply disconnect the USB C from the scanner after finishing using it . That’s all .
MINI 2 don’t needs any drivers to be installed , it is plug and play
Camera settings are part of your system , so you should know you need to give permission when connecting new camera devices to your system … this one is on Windows .
You can always ask question the forum if you need something … but before that please check all the helpful materials provided via the software . You can also access it from the Tutorial forum section here. PDF guide is also available direct from the software .
Your response makes me question my purchase.
If you are referring to the Learning button in RevoScan, many options appear, none of them do anything when you click on them (provide information, open a document, etc).
Have you ever used a computer? I don’t have a laptop where the ports are easy available to me. Typically peripherals are installed and left connected. The cord is never meant to be an on/off switch as the ports are not designed for this kind of wear and tear.
Yes, the Mini 2 does require drivers, and I eventually found out how to re-install them properly; I found this information on your support forum, and you should be providing this to customers as part of the installation process.
I thought Revoscan was an actual windows application not some little app that expects to be installed on a tablet. If the camera were plug and play, I might understand the need for toggling the Windows setting. It baffles me that the application doesn’t even maximize to fit the monitor, the edges including the button to begin calibration are offcentered and just barely off the screen; and this is when maximized on a 4k monitor.
As mentioned, there is no help material working in Revoscan. The ONLY PDF I have found is the QuickStart guide which is insufficient. I am not going to spend any more time trying to figure out what undocumented requirements RevoScan has in order to get the Learning function to work. I will be returning your half-baked product.
Hi Marco
Under “Learning” on the homescreen or under “help” section, after a new project is started there are a plethora of learning and support sources . The “Revo Scan 5 Tutorial video” on its own is over 9min long and just one click away! If this video isn´t enough, there are 169 (!) other videos. And many more from other users.
Yes, this is the only criticism I understand and what I agree with you on, depending on your workstation (PC) and setup with connection at the back such on/off-button would help.
I have 5 different Revopoint 3d Scanners ,and all were and are plug and play on all the PCs and laptops I had them connected to. Only known issue with drivers and mini2 is afaik with users not having their drivers updated , which isn´t revopoint´s fault and still, when such problems occur, revopoint support incl. us other forum members always gladly did and will do our best to figure the problem out and provide a solution. [SOLVED!] Revopoint Mini 2 - Scanner Disconnected - Class for rockusb devices/Rockusb Device
RevoScan for Windows meanwhile is a full fully grown and mature 3d scanning software. What do you mean by “little app to be installed on a tablet” ?!
It looks like you just bought the mini 2. Why do you want to calibrate it? It is precalibrated factorywise and only to be recalibrated if getting bad results you think are related to having bumped or shaken the device.
Can you please share a screenshot to see if this might be a bug? As here, I have no issues with my 4k monitor.
As shown above, plethora of helpfull materials and different media. Did you even scroll down and take a look on some of those provided sources and informations?
That would be a shame and depending on your user cases you might miss some satisfying experiences and results. Yes, there is some learning curve to it, especially if you are new to 3d scanning, but after having worked with some other brands and their 3d scanner, calling mini2 and it’s software “half-baked product” IMO is excessive falsification.
Just sayin’, good luck when you have to deal with some other brand’s support upon problems. Revopoint repeatedly exceeded my expectations on that and luckily are one of the few companies where the word support does justice to it’s name.
Best regards and good luck on your decision
Thanks for trying to help. Yes, I saw the help resources; and clicking on any of them (I have patiently tried each one, including the videos) does NOTHING. No video plays, no document opens, no help page shows up. As far as PnP, on some systems (as this is well documented in the forum) you have uninstall the drivers and then manually install them under the Device Manager. I am glad your systems have worked. Why am I calibrating, because when I launched RevoScan and the camera finally connected, a wizard popped up and forced me to go through the steps? Why don’t I take a screenshot of the bug? I should have but now when I launch the app and maximize it, it just disappears completely. I am sure if I nuked its registry settings or reinstalled it, it would come back, but I am done. Half-baked meaning it comes in a nice box but has no instructions; the hardware requires hours to figure out to install when it should be PnP, the software is obviously broken and doesn’t even open properly as an application. I have been in IT and written software since Windows 95, and I have never seen any software so immature; do they even have a QA department? I have heard of revopoint for years and despite my better judgment to go Einstar, because I need to scan small things, I chose the Mini 2. What a frickin’ waste of time!
I do understand your frustrations, but as often experienced, when most users with same software and hardware don’t have problems and only few have , it is because of some PC things not directly related to revopoint scanners or software. As been in IT I am sure you know what kind of problems can happen only because of different PC configurations with all the other softwares been installed and registry entries been changed by those and other software and hardware been negatively impacted by that. And revopoint guys still managed to figure all such problems out and resolve it , they will reach to you and do it 1-on-1 if needed. They really care about their customers!
Here is revopoint-youtube-channel.
Here is the revoscan 5 tutorial video ,opened when I click on the link
Einstar is mid to big object 3d scanner for entirely different use cases than what you want to scan with mini 2!
best regards
I bought some decent USB switches from Aliexpress as I had the same problem with my Arturia MIDI keyboard and the same concerns. Something like the attached.
As for the scanner, I have the Inspire and it was very easy to set up.
One point of annoyance is the very thick USB cable that the scanner connects with, which makes it stiff when moving around something by hand. But not a show stopper at all.