Wie bekomme ich die Start Stop Taste vom handheld stabilizer zum funktionieren?
Der stabilizer ist über Bluetooth verbunden wird auch erkannt aber die Scann Start Stop Pause/ Taste hat keine Funktion.
Gruß Mario
Wie bekomme ich die Start Stop Taste vom handheld stabilizer zum funktionieren?
Der stabilizer ist über Bluetooth verbunden wird auch erkannt aber die Scann Start Stop Pause/ Taste hat keine Funktion.
Gruß Mario
Hi Mario
Download the latest software (Android,Windows,Mac) , connect your scanner to your Stabilizer , turn the Stabilizer on , when your scanner is on connect it to your android phone or your windows via 5Ghz wifi , then connect your Stabilizer via Bluetooth and when the stabilizer green icon in Revo Scan on the bottom is on you are ready to use it.
Start new scanning session and your stop/pause button will works .
Next time please include what scanner you use and what operation system you use with, it is hard to help not knowing that information.
Best wishes
A post was split to a new topic: IOS version supporting Stabilizer?
Danke für die schnelle Hilfe.
Ich habe mir die neue Version Revoscan heruntergeladen
Damit funktioniert der stabilizer inklusive Start Stop Taste.
Und endlich auf deutsch sehr schön
Es sind Änderungen in der Software unter Scann Einstellungen
Es gibt die Einstellung Gesichter und Haare nicht mehr ist das richtig ?
Außerdem gibt es einen Einstellung Bereich anpassen.
Gibt es einen Grund für die Änderungen?
U und kann es sein dass der personen Scann besser funktioniert?
Hatte bei einem kurzen Versuch eben dass Gefühl dass der Scanner nicht mehr so empfindlich auf Bewegungen reagiert es dadurch weniger Störungen gibt.
Gruß Mario
Ich benutze pop2 und mini handheld stabilizer und Dual-axis zusammen mit Windows 11
That’s good to hear , the new version support the Stabilizer stop/pause button , also the last Android version .
It is no more needed , you can now set your gain settings under Depth Camera preview automatic to capture your face and dark hair without any other modes .
It is much better now than before . Just set the gain on Automatic and keep the red box selection on the scanned object surface for automatic changes .
The changes reflect the new firmware and algorithms, it was made for better tracking , as I mentioned before the Gain setting is very critical in scanning , but now you can automatic track the gain what helps in keeping the tracking much better .
The modes before was created to reflect the best gain settings and nothing else , now you have it automatic no matter how far it close up you go to your objects , what provide much better tracking results than ever before , it is evolution and going in the right direction slowly but steady .
Best wishes to you and Happy New Year Mario, if anything , let me know .
Hi all,
Will the stabilizer also be work with the range?
Is it possible to use another gimball, or will that give any problems?
It don’t work AGAIN with RS5.
The Stabilizer works fine with the Range as I used it .
The beta has basic functionality at this moment and is not finished yet , it will works .
The software is based on all new codes so it is not old software but totally new , all functionality need still to be added and addressed . One day at a time .
That’s great! Is it already known when the stabilizer will be available?
Don’t know yet the exact date , it suppose to be a new improved version .
Hi there, I purchased the handheld stabilizer with the mini but didn´t had a use case for it till yesterday when I wanted to do some scans with the range. So I checked if it works with range and found your post.
So I tested it. It works for some minutes but then it shut down the motors while being activated…
Maybe the range is to heavy for a longer session with the handheld stabilizer?
Beside this I encountered that the joystick is not working properly. The up and down tilt works, left pan also but right pan is not possible. Maybe software probelm or hardware? Do you know if there is any firmware update for it? Anyway it is difficult to find informations about the handheld …
Hi @Skyrider , there are no firmware updates for the handheld stabilizer.
Did the problem accrued when using it with Range and the latest version of Revo Scan ?
I did not used it with Range and the latest version , so if this is the case I may check for you to see if I get the same problem.
I used Range with the stabilizer in early versions and did not experienced any shut down of the motor , so I want to be sure .
I will let you know later today .
Hi Katherina, thanks for quick reply! I use the latest software on Mac
But it also happens when the Stabilizer is not connected to RevoScan.
Thanks @Skyrider , Mac was actually creating most issues , you know how the business works with apple , you need to pay big cash for licensing … and the buttons without it did not performed well . The reason it need to be redesigned other way Mac customers was not happy about .
I will check the Range today with the stabilizer and let you know if the motor shutting down … it is very sensitive to weight , some device more other less … it will not hold a phone either.
I will see how long it holds … and let you know since I have to scan some full bodies today …