Stabilizer connection issues

I agree with KightWhoSaysNi. This hand stabilizer is not working as advertised.

Windows 11, Stabilizer showing up in blue tooth; connected once and dropped. Fails to connect after that.

I finally got the handheld scanner connected again but the start button does not work. I double tapped the scanner button and the connection dropped again. I am beginning to regret this purchase :frowning:

Hi @TimGS , I moved your post to a new support thread, a representative with check on you . @Revopoint-Jane

In future when you have technical issue please post your thread in place to reply to outdated treads for faster response .

Hi @TimGS

Can you please contact our technical support department at They will help you to figure out your doubts.

Hi @TimGS

Thank you for your suggestion!

We have plans for a feature to “copy” the model, which, if successfully updated, will solve your problem.

As a loyal customer, I’m genuinely concerned—it’s been 7 months and is approaching nearly a year. Has the fix been released yet?


I deeply regret wasting my money on such a faulty product. A fix should have been released by now, as promised back in May 2024.


Hi Edward
Please contact with your technical issues.

My stabilizer working just fine on win11
So it may be related to your device .