Everything you need to know about Calibration for a 3D scanner

If you trying to use MINI to calibrate it will not works , a new calibration software will arrive soon .

The latest POP2 using also the same firmware so it may cause some issues . Just wait a while for the new release .

If you test your calibration score and it is not above 0.1000 just skip the calibration , to get any issues with scanning you really need at least 0.2000 and above test results to need to calibrate .

Test Score of O.2800 may not even affect your model geometry while scanning but will affect textures/RGB alignment.

And remember to backup the original calibration data before doing anything and keep it safe .


have been setting up POP Mini, scan results besides the known head sample are very poor.
I had this issue also with POP2, first scans were terrible - after a quick calibration perfect.
When will the calibration tool be released? any further tests are a waste of time, sorry.
Kind regards

The reason it was pulled out is that it was made only to work with MINI Beta without the RGB camera , so it was impossible to calibrate the final version of MINI that includes the RGB camera and should be avoid .

The calibration software is still in testing mode and not ready yet, the final version will have calibration profiles for MINI Beta and MINI RGB ( different boards ) as well as I was testing some versions already on different types of devices with success.

The release time is not know yet exactly .

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Thank you for responding. As I am not using the RGB feature at all, ist there any chance of fixing the problem.
The scan results are very unreal, a lot of doubling, same like the frame issue.
I have tried several hours now it doesnt get better.
Kind regards

Sorry to hear that , that is the problem , the other versions can’t be used since it do not include the new board for calibration that you got with you MINI , so practically not usable , no matter you use RGB or not, it need to be calibrated anyway in the process , it created lots of problems with the devices when people tried , that why it was pulled out .

I will ask tonight if they know +/- the release date for the new build . I know they are busy now with the new Revo Scan firmware upgrade issues .


Thank you very much, I will wait for your info.
Kind regards

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Please let me know the status of update calibration, Thank you

The calibration software is already released couple of days ago … you will find it in the Starting Point of the forum section.

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no calibration board in my POP 2 package ??
just like there wasn’t a stick with the software so i had to download that on the site

If you purchased it from Revopoint , it should be included , if not contact the Customer service via email and request one.

I never got any USB stick with a software , not with POP, POP2 or MINI , the software updating so often that having old version of software on a USB Stick is not really nesesery anymore as you don’t want to use old versions with your device as it constantly improving .

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Hola, he comprado el revopoint mini, y estuve buscando el software de calibracion en la pagina de revopoint pero no tuve exito por que no esta y no lapuedo descargar, alguien me puede ayudar con esto ?

Hi! Check here!


I can’t download it

Hi @Lukasz ,

Pls download it here: Revo_Calibration_for_win_v1.0.2.31.zip - Google Drive

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Working :smiley: Thank you