Did my POP2 just die?

I think it was about a week or so. I sent in a ticket and they need info (serial number, original invoice and video of problem) .


Hi @1bigpig ,

Thank you for your kind understanding. And I apologize for all the inconvenience caused.

Best Regards


Nothing to be sorry for. I am happy with the customer service I have received. Keep up the good work and I will be purchasing a MINI when they are available.



Hi @1bigpig ,

Thank you for your support!

Best Regards

Saying that no one can help in the forum isn’t entirely accurate. Advise could be offered that wasn’t known by the op. Granted, the device won’t be fixed by anyone on the forum, but someone might have experience to share. Isn’t that the whole idea with the forum after all?

@valdi I was referring to fixing the device and nothing else , you can share whatever please you.

Wanted a protective case for my POP2, but was afraid it would overheat.

So this is the result;

Started this this case;
Download STL file Revopoint scanner 3d case • 3D printer model • Cults (cults3d.com)

Fans are = Evercool P/N EC4510M05CA


That’s awesome it looks great

Is it (nearly) hollow? I would think it would overheat if solid.

A good 1/8" gap above and below the POP, with the fans drawing air behind the POP and out the top. Idea was to draw air over the areas which showed heat on the Flir. Seems to work well, temperature with IR thermometer drops as soon as the fans are running, and the POP then maintains ambient temperature.


POP2 Tank ! :+1: :smile:
I am thinking about an aluminium heat sink on top with thermal path for better dispense of the heat when heavy in use. It could cool down to 10 degrees less.

I’d be concerned that the fans may induce electrical noise and/or vibration that may affect the quality of the scan.

Testing will tell…

Neither my POP1 or POP2 has ever gotten hot enough to be a concern, but then I’ve never used it more than an hour at once.

after 10h it get little hot , depends of the ambient temperatures , but the AC is running already so much less.

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Revopoint called me at home (!) and really took my issue to heart. Somehow the email they had sent me got lost somewhere but they more than made up for it. They determined that I did indeed receive one of the rare defective units and they are making sure to get me a good unit.
The only other company I’ve ever had reach out to me to solve a problem like this was Newtek back in their early days. It’s refreshing. I hope Revopoint has the success NT has had over the years.


I wouldn’t expect too much improvement. The thermal resistance of the plastic isn’t going to change, so the (possibly) slight improvement of the case-to-heat sink-to-ambient vs the case-to-ambient path of the present design isn’t going to provide much of an advantage.

A properly-implemented fan would greatly increase heat flow (convection is better than radiation); I doubt that vibration would interfere with scanning accuracy, but it is possible. I briefly considered a Peltier Cooler, but you’re looking at 3 dozen watts to get significant cooling and I really don’t think it’s necessary.

I noticed my POP2 heated up quite a lot after I left it plugged on my computer’s USB socket for an hour (without using it). Since then I systematically unplug it as soon as I’m done scanning. I hope it will extend its life but if there is a software fix I’m listening :slight_smile:

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I would not use it with that case , just 2 clips on the sides to holding it down secure , as I said it can decrease the temperature to 10 degrees only as it do with SSD, plus all depends of the ambient temperature after all no matter fans or not .
I do have mixed feelings with the plastic all over the device , it is like putting plastic covers over a RAM stick , but @Miamijerry said it did worked for him with the fans and extra space for the air flow ,so there is a room for improvements .

As stated by Revopoint , there is no software fix for that , the processor need to cool off one way or another , get yourself the latest Revo Scan software update , it disconnecting partially the device when the software if closed , it also shutting down the MINI blue light projector when the software is not in use , I believe it do the same with POP2 sensors now.

The fans have a rated Air Flow: 7.79 CFM and not only can that keep up with the heat generated, but if I disconnect the fans and allow the POP2 to get HOT, the fans can return the POP to ambient once they run again


Thanks, will do! I greatly enjoy the POP2 and hope to do it for a long time :smiley: