Bring the X


good day, can you tell us some information? is this supposed to be a new product? or accessories or new software?

It is a teaser …

More information will come after Sept.17th , stay tuned !


Yeeees! Finally, it’s about to happen! :face_holding_back_tears::partying_face:

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Yes it is @ivan :globe_with_meridians:

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7 parallel blue lines x 7 parallel blue lines. :thinking:

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A little more than 7


Looked like 7 bright lines and additional dimmer ones in each group which made me think the number was intentional (that and a competitor’s product uses 7 lines).

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I know what you talking about … :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Warm warm …

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Guess it will be a Raptor Like device…
Had a wish it is a device like Miraco…

Miraco X?

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You missing this post guys :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Okay, so we wait for the Revopoint Raptor, eyhhh Revopoint X I mean :wink:


Well it is a Laser scanner prototype designed by Revopoint long before “Raptor” was released … it is not from yesterday … remember Revopoint is a manufacturer, not a reseller like the others . It is not a copy cat design .

Never thought of copy-cat… however I think more scanner competitors do better products in this case. I saw a lot of videos of raptor and otter. Still impressed about the capabilities. But also flaws are there. The IR mode on raptor is not really impressive. And you need a quite powerful machine. Hopefully the X will be a bit more useful on less powerful machines. Best wish would be to link it to Miraco :wink: over USB. hehe…

BTW: Will there be a release directly after 17th September?


Why everyone is thinking about Raptor , and not about Artec Point or Free Scan Combo . Anyway Project X is far from Raptor to beging with .

Sorry I can’t share any information regarding this project .
So it is hard to have conversation .

Best thing is to wait for the official information and specs as the time passes.

Project X is not a ready product , it is still in a beta prototype stage and there is not yet any direct release date.

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If Revopoint can disrupt that $20K - $30K price point, I’ll be first in line to support them. Especially without a software subscription.


these brands Artec Point or Free Scan Combo are more known among professionals. Since you brought us already affordable scanners, we will still compare in our price levels. But there is nothing to be ashamed of, you are the best manufacturers of scanners available. So I’ll have to start saving money. I don’t know how to explain to my wife that I need another scanner :smiley: that Miraco is not enough for me


I used $100K scanner for my professional work for a very long time , the costs to produce one scan was $450 , the editing took over one month … now with Revopoint 3D scanner it was reduced to more or less around 2 minutes.
Just because it cost $100K it don’t makes it already professional , what makes it professional is when pro people use it in their workflow .

Sadly 3D scanning world is overrated and overpriced, when we get amazing scanners on the market for less , big companies buying it out and make it vanish from consumer reach .

:rofl: If X was the same as MIRACO you would not need it .
Project X was created in the mind of the more professional users that needs more . Focusing on the hard edges , mechanical , higher accuracy and precision . Different kind of Animal :joy:


It would , but sadly it needs more time regarding it’s software to reach that level , remember the scanner is as good as it’s software
Revopoint device hardware have very high quality , with improved software it will only get better , and there is still huge room for improvement.

Raptor is sold by a reseller, a scanner without a future … never spend money on a 3D scanner that was sold by a reseller and not manufacturer , the life span will be very short since it never will get updated. I have box full of scanners like that . One ride pony …

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I bought an original Revopoint Mini quite some time ago, during the KickStarter. It was a major disappointment, I used it for a few days and then binned it.

I was excited for the Creality Raptor, but waited to see enough trustworthy reviews to see if it would perform as I needed. I bought one two months ago. It has been phenomenal, with accuracy beyond my expectations. But one of the major things I really liked about using the Raptor was that scanning time was significantly reduced over the Mini, because the Raptor scan capture frame rate is up to 6x better than the Mini. I’m typically scanning in the 35-45fps range with the laser mode on the Raptor, and if I have adequate tracking targets, scanning goes very fast. I never use the NIR mode for my work.

If the Revopoint “X” field of view is larger AND scanning speeds are equal or better to the Raptor AND the accuracy is maintained to what I can achieve with the Raptor, I’ll consider it. But the original Mini purchase left a bad taste in my mouth. I’m really tired of consumer oriented tech companies offering underbaked products for sale, so I hope Revopoint is offering something that is genuinely better, and not just putting something up for the sake of having a competing product.

EDIT: One more thing. If this is going to be corded, like the Raptor, please give me a very long cord… like 4 meters. So I can keep a medium sized object, like an engine stationary, and work completely around it without having to drag my laptop and power supply on a cart around the object too.

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