Yamaha Outboard Motor

I need to create a 3D model of a Yamaha 15hp, Longshaft, 2-Stroke outboard motor. Luckily I have one attached to a small boat in my front yard :slight_smile:
I cant scan in direct sunlight with the MIRACO (or my RANGE) so I 3D printed a small device to attach a Video light to my MIRACO so I can scan at night.
(Yes I know the MIRACO already has a small LED light )
The Motor is darkish grey, so I coated it with Foot Powder Spray that I washed off later.
I am super impressed with the result.
No markers, no loss of tracking, 4500 frames.
Next step… 3D modelling with Rhino 3D… stay tuned.


Very good scan Mike

Thanks for sharing ! Looking forward to see your reverse engineering magic with it !

good scan… it would be great to understand how to proceed in Rhino to make something like this a viable 3d print.

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I have been experimenting with the best way to “Reverse Engineer” the 3D scan of the outboard motor.
I have been using Rhino 3D, Quicksurface and Mesh2surface, which is the Quicksurface plugin for Rhino 3D.
The main reason I use Rhino 3D is because I have 25 years experience working with it. :slight_smile:
I need to spend some time on this model, but so far I am very impressed with the Quicksurface tools !!
Rhino 3D has its own SubD modelling tools, but I find the Quicksurface tools faster and more intuitive to use.


I love your hard edge reverse engineering work Mike … always a pleasure to check out what you are up to.
Thanks for sharing !

Great work! The sharp edges are impressive.
I will check out this plugin. Thanks for sharing!

Very nice scan and model. I haven’t used Rhino since the 90s. For me, using this scan for film production, I use the retopo tools in Maya’s modeling toolkit. I get great results from it. I have been using it since G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra.

Hello DrKnow !
Rhino has canged a lot since the 90’s :slight_smile:
It now has pretty nice SubD (Subdivision) Modeling tools, similar to Blender.
I can make any shape using traditional Rhino NURBS Curves etc, then convert it to a Quad mesh, then to an editable SubD. Version 8 (current) also introduced a fantastic tool called “Shrinkwrap”, which does what it says, it shrinkwraps ANYTHING (pointclouds etc) into a watertight mesh.
I teach Rhino 3D, I have had two requests in two days from the Film industry here on the Gold Coast in Australia wanting to learn Rhino.

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We have the Rhino Barcelona reprezentant in our community here using Revopoint scanners as well .

I still remember Rhino first release but I keeping working in ZBrush since it is more helpful in my work .

But your my Rhino’s hero Mike , best reverse engineering stuff I ever saw.

Keep up the great work !

Oh stop it , I am blushing :slight_smile:
I wish I had your ZBrush skills !

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I’ll have to check out Rhino and see if it would be a good fit with my workflow. I currently work in eposodic TV and turnarounds on assets is very short. I have to work with crappy scan data and produce decent models from what amounts to being “oatmeal”.:rofl: One of the reasons why I got a Miraco so I can do my own scans.
Working in a Maya-Houdini-Renderman pipeline dosen’t really give me any options for creating assets Scan Danny Done

Hi, @Scan2Model , I shared your wonderful works in MIRACO Group, and the people in there want to know how to make the LED Light attachment you did on your MIRACO .

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Hello Fay,
It is quite simpe, I made it with my 3D printer.
I can upload the file if people need the 3D file ?


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If you could share the file, it will be the best. Thank you so much for sharing us all your wonderful works.

I have put the STL file up on Sketchfab.
