Tips for highly detailed miniature with hard edges with Miraco Pro

I’ve spent the entire day trying to get some kind of complete scan of this with no luck. Miraco Pro 32gb.

I first attempted the near mode to capture more detail but couldn’t maintain any kind of alignment. The model is 16” across.

Since I’ve been using far and have tried single shot and continuous mode. Both handheld and on tripod trying to be as meticulous as possible but I constantly lose the track after small camera moves and can’t ever seem to get it back.

The one scan I almost managed to get a complete capture of came out a blobby bulbous mess.

Appreciate any tips or suggestions for both scanning and processing.


Update: I painted the model a much lighter gray and setup a turntable system. It’s just tricky because I have to hit every side of the donut. I ended up hitting the frame limit just before I finished a 360 rotation at about 8 height levels.

This is the best it’s worked so far. Any processing tips to get the best hard edge detail much appreciated.

Check the IMU calibration. I don’t know if I’ve ever seen it pop up a warning window for calibration, but it almost always says it needs it when I check in settings. Anecdotally, single shot mode seems to rely on it pretty heavily.

Do you have the magic mat? I’d try this in marker mode with more markers on the object itself.

Also if your turntable version worked just with memory issues, you could try it in PC mode. I’ve never checked if the frame limit changes depending on high/standard accuracy mode but maybe that’s worth a shot.

You need to scan it in sections , it is very complex , process reach section and merge it after .

If you scan it at once you will reduce the total quality of the scan

If I was doing it , I would use 3D spray , create sections and put color dots on each section and use it later as guide for merging in Cloud Compare for more precision .

Or after spraying the top , I would use my big turntable and scan the top first , then change the sides and finish the bottom and merge both together.

Is the scan spray just like matte spray? I have that.

This is how I was setup on the turntable so I could get top and bottom. So maybe I should try one pass for the top and one for the bottom?

If the data overlaps does it get messed up if one scan has more detail than another?

Also if I merge scans do I still get UVs?


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Remember you scanning 3D object so don’t miss the angles , you need more angles than just 2 to capture are the edges , if you miss it it get smoothed .

Try capture the half top then the half bottom , after merging you can still have UVs … no problem

If you still missing stuff after merging you can scan it and merge it to the already merged object until complete .

Your setup is great :+1:t2: just the object needs more attention while scanning .

By 3D spray I mean 3D spray for scanning , so you don’t have to paint your objects , it vanishing after 2 hours .
The matte spray is not as good .

Should I be using near mode? It seems like it’s capturing a lot more information but it’s just hard to get the scanner in all the necessary angles.

Near mode would be best , as the resolution is higher so you have more details and sharper corners.
But the process will be slower and you need to capture more smaller sections for the best results . Scanning big areas with near mode will reduce the final resolution while processing so try to get smaller sections .