[Solved] Dual-Axis Turntable not shown by Apple Iphones

my Dual-Axis Turntable doesn’t works with Apple IPhones or Tablets. All my Friends (5 Persons) and I don’t see in Bluetooth the Dual-Axis Turntable. Friends with Androids Handys see the Dual-Axis Turntable in Bluetooth an can connect with it and it works fine. What make we wrong ?
Thank you

Hi @Schiffbastler

This mean that when you open the Revo Assistant on your iPhone , you can’t connect Dual Axis Turntable via the app ?

Did you set the " Location " on ? As that is needed so pair /see the device in the app prior to connection.

If you still have the same issue please write to customer@revopoint3d.com for technical assistance with your hardware .

Thank you, now it works with my IPhone :blush:

Happy to know that !

How were you able to fix the connection issue with Bluetooth. My location setting is on but still does not show up.
Thank you in advance for any insight

Hi @scrist

It was probably the Location turned off .

Please contact customer@revopoint3d.com for assistance .