As I’m busy in the world of tractorpulling in my spare time, I’m also reverse engineering our whole tractor into CAD, so I can make changes quickly if needed. Today I scanned in the old turbo compressor housing (holset HX82) to make a cone inlet housing for it. If you watch closely you can see the compressor wheel exploded last time and took half the silencer ring out. This will only be used as a background surface body, so I didn’t took the time to totally reverse engineer it. I will be posting other scanning projects here in the future!
I merged 5 scans in total, this was in crossline mode for shiny metallic objects. I was really surprised how easy it was compared to my old Pop 2 scanner. By the way, the model is on my Grabcad page, search for holset HX82.
I tried to do as little as possible ‘over’ scanning. that gives sharp edges in my experience. that said, with the compressor housing I cheated a little bit, there is actually a boss extrude added at that plane for easier assembly mates in the top assembly. But the exhaust housing has no boss extrudes trough the body.