I have some large object to scan. Tree trunks, around 8 foot long which are laying down.
I’m open to any tips, but here are my questions.
1 - Is there a recommended scan pattern to make when scanning such a large area?
Side to side, change the height a bit, then go back etc. Single scan.
Side to side, pause the scan, change height, then press scan again
Up and down
2 - If I scan from further away, would I get a lower resolution? I don’t need high resolution, 5mm would be enough.
3 - The trunks are laying down, so I need to scan, then pause and roll the trunks and scan the bottom. What’s the best way to make sure these scans fuse well.
All depends of your object features and how well it holds the tracking while scanning , don’t go full 8 ft scan , chop it in 4 sections to merge later.
Check if you need High speed 16 for large object or standard .
Keep at max 2000 frames per one scan , all depends of what you using for scanning , phone , tablet,laptop
Practice on some couch before you go out in the field .
Remember no sun light allowed .
If you use high speed 16 fps and large object settings , you may have more success to scan it at once ( one side ) it is better to scan parts than pause and rotate as with that you may destroy the first scan if you lose tracking .
Everything depends of the scanned object here so practice first and keep the distance on between Excellent and Good .
How far you go away of the object , his less accuracy you will get . If you scan parts keep the distance steady to avoid seams after merging .
Just roll it on top , make sure you scan enough overlapped area other way you can’t merge them later .
If you can make them standing vertical it would be the best choice and scan them at once .
Your mobile device support only 1500 frames, you can’t expand that other than use device with more RAM .
But don’t get too crazy about it, I got my new phone with 24GB of RAM but only 8GB was usable with the app .
Thanks, I discovered that last night when I tried the wifi mode and my computer, but it bogged down so badly with too many frames. I’ll try again tonight with multiple scans and try to merge them.