Thank you for your patience. I used the box only after having no luck with more complex forms. Useless as it is it was just to try and get at least 1 working scan. The box was only roughly 600x300x400 so lots of angles in view but no luck.
Anyway, I went back to a chair as you suggested, standard IKEA children chair, placed it on a table for easy access, cleared space so I could walk around it. lots of angles and openings. Using the Android app and a Samsung phone with settings:
Accuracy - standard
tracking - feature
object - general
texture: color
range - auto (300-1000)
RGB camera - auto
depth camera - tried auto and manual both
I think you can guess where this is going; after a number of tries, not even close to a successful scan. While taking care to carefully move as straight and vertical as possible at a constant distance the ‘not enough points’ error popped-up numerous times as well as the ‘tracking lost’ error. One time, with the top half of the back squarely and clearly in all frames the ‘not enough datapoints’ appeared to moment I pressed the start button. Unsurprisingly after postprocessing I see an ‘explosion’, not a chair.
I made a first successful scan of my eldest in 2012 and printed her on my self-assembled 3D printer. I am no wiz but am no complete full and generally get stuff to work. Both errors ‘freeze’ the capture process and even in the preview screen it is clear that there is no re-alignment. It seems that the scan has to be errorless but how to do that if a few cm deviation from the ‘green’ 300-400mm gives an error and the system cannot keep track of the shape?
I keep trying the handheld option with phone because that is the main reason for buying this, I hoped it would help me make scans of damage to structures and equipment I investigate for my work. If the video shows successful scans of near featureless car hoods and couches, how can I keep loosing tracking and having insufficient points with as diverse a set of objects as a person, chairs, stack of different sized, angled boxes, a simple box etc.? Are you sure this cannot be a hardware issue? One other thing I noted is that while steadily moving the camera down the centre pane seemed to ‘zoom in’, showing a smaller area than before, and subsequently loosing tracking).
After writing the above I thought I should also try your 2 pillow suggestion, just to try out everything. 2 sizes of pillow, one off-white and 1 red, probably the worst trial, the screen was continuously flipping between too few points and tracking lost.
Lastly gave a backpack a go, dark blue, lots of pockets etc. sticking out. The first ‘bottom to top’ motion seemed fine and even processed later but the moment I shifted slightly right after reaching the top tracking was first lost and the screen subsequently froze on ‘too few datapoints’.
Maybe if someone at revopoint can do an intro video with an everyday household thing, showing exactly which settings they use and filming both the person scanning and what the screen sees it would help people like me figure out what might be going wrong. Otherwise the charger and tripod may still come in handy (but a bit expensive if they are the only working parts) because it looks to me like the actual scanner, or the software, are a far cry from what the video promised.