double post? Markers, Spray and Bumps
Dear PopUp and Invan,
thanks a lot for the suggestions. I just tried with the crumbled paper, without markers and with spray. It works really well. The problem is that when I merge the different point clouds with features, the result is bad because the alignement is lost
Thank you very much and sorry for the double post, I thought that this chat was closed and you did not see my message
In this case make sure you cut out anything that was scanned beside your important part . Use manual alignment, you just need minimal 3 matching points .
In case your objects have very little features , use a color dots stickers and scan in color , later you can use the mini color dots you see in color as your marking points for an easy merging .
Use neutral colors ( no black or white ) to avoid bumps .
You can also use a color sharpie to paint it if the surface allows it .
opensource solution for quad meshing rebuild is instant meshes
Dear PopUp,
I am really becoming crazy with this scan. Now I am trying to scan the upper part of the frame
with different methods as you suggested me (markers, features various object around, crumbled paper). The frame is red so I use spray. With markers I understood that if the spray layer is too thick, the markers are not acquired and with features I understood that the added objects must be 3D and very close to the arm. Infact, as you can see from the photo, the arm has a quite big thickness and if I put the objet on the bottom plane, it goes out of MINI’s range. Another problem I am facing with is that sometimes the software tells me with a red alert during the scanning that the point cloud has a low number of points and big regions of the frame are not acquired. I do not understand if that depends on the MINI inclination (I am using it by hand) or on the room lighting so I am trying at different hours of the day.
Thanks a lot for you patience,
try this method, no markers just spray
Hi Stefano…
The red color of the plastic is not your friend here , it absorb blue light so need a spray , you need to have very close the markers when using marker mode , best thing to do is to use smaller reflective markers with MINI , and try to keep little bigger distance , usually I would not scan this size models with MINI , maybe only the fine parts . The way you setup it may not works , please use spray and as @X3msnake mentioned again crumbled paper or cloth and slightly elevate the object so it don’t touch the paper, after scanning and fusing remove only the paper before merging . At the distance of 25 cm you should get a decent scan . I wish you had a INSPIRE scanner, that would be a quick scanning job in this case here . It will be not simple task due to nature if the features object but not impossible .
If you get issues with merge , try the old Revo Studio and align the parts manually
Dear PopUp,
I used another strategy masking all the drone with white bodyshop tape, drawing marker points on it with blue sharpie and mixing manual aligning with feature aligning using clumbed paper. It works and I am able to scan points cloud and align them with enough accuracy for my job. The issues I am facing now is that the save command does not work well. Sometimes it saves the elaborated and aligned point clouds and sometimes does not. I really do not understand the save command behaviour inside the same project. The problem is that I often lose my work of cleaning by hand the point clouds and it is very frustrating. In addition also the undo command do not work well because once the point cloud is meshed, the undo command in the point cloud does not work anymore. I suggest developers to check well the save and undo command.
Hi Stefano
Did you downloaded the latest version 5.3 ? It saving now everything automatic .
Once you moved to meshing and meshed the point cloud you are in meshing mode and use already different files , the other point cloud is saved and you can’t return and undo stuff anymore .
If that was the case your computer will need enormous amounts of RAM , at least 64GB , most simple projects without editing can take already 5GB , plus you need a RAM to process it , so to save the resource the undo history can’t be endless.
Unless in the future they use the hard drive to store the temp undo history, what would help of course.
Regarding the commands, can’t help you as I use Wacom touch screen without
physical keyboard . So not using the commands . Did not programmed the commands in since the versions changes too often .
Dear PopUp,
I updated to 5.3 and now saving is good. Neverthless I am facing with another issue.
In the marker merge mode it is no more possible to merge point clouds by means of markers drawn on the object because point clouds are not displayed with their texture but have a uniform color. This is disappointing for me because with the previous version I was able to align point clouds taking markers on the texture.
I do not understand why developers change working functions from one version to another!
Let me know if I miss something in the new version.
to be more clear: single point clouds are RGB textured because I scan them with color scanning enable, but when I go into merge mode, RGB texture disappears
and each point clouds has a uniform colour
Dear Stefano
Yes I saw it of course was not happy about it , they should give options not shut down the RGB colors completely… I need to talk to them again to fix it and add RGB function back again .
Hopefully in the next update
Sorry for the issues Stefano but that interrupted my own workflow as well … no good
The colors they did should be used only for manual adjusting not for the whole merging preview
OK thanks a lot. Can you give me the link to the previous working version because I look at the website but it is disappeared.
I will have to check my drive , there are no links for previous versions available.
The older versions don’t support all features in POP3 or INSPIRE
But when I am on my PC I will arrange a link for you
You can install both version on your computer and use the other for merging only
searching on the web, I found a link to dowload revoscan but I do not no if it is the verision just previous 5.3.0. Anyway I tested it ant it works very well. I was able to align the point clouds in feature mode that failed in 5.3.0. I think that 5.3.0 is not yet ready.
Hi Stefano
It was probably my old Google link … if so then it is a good version .
I have some issues merging in RS5.3 as well … not always clean results , I always prefer my manual point alignment for better accuracy .