Range 3D Scanner - First scan and first impressions

Hello everyone,
a few days ago I received the new Revopoint scanner, the Range (beta version) and a big roundtable for the Body scan.
The windows software (beta) compatible with the new scanner (and to connect and use the hand stabilizer too) was released today.
Eager to see how this works I did a test with a sculpture, which I could scan using the big turntable (placed on a table, rather than on the floor). The big turntable was created for the body scan but, for those who need it, also to scan large objects (weighing up to 100 kg) such as sculptures.

The most immediate impression is that it does not lose track during scanning. The format of the scanner is much larger than other Revopoint scanners, but on the other hand, the scanner is really light. There are many new features of the software (which we will learn more about later).

After completing the scan, the point cloud was exported and meshed in CloudCompare. The cut of the base was made in MeshMixer.

Below is the result of this first quick test (as soon as possible)

Now, after this first quick test, I plan to use it to scan larger objects (in my case more bigger sculptures). I’m also thinking about antique furniture.
Also, as soon as it becomes available, I will carry out tests with the Mac version of RevoScan.


You are not suppose to post any scans yet Davide . Only unboxing
I guess you missed the memo .

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actually I missed it!

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No problem , maybe she forgot this morning to send you the new info .

Yea thats what i am waiting for is the aproval.

I did even know ubboxing could be posted yet.

Yes you can post already the unboxing and talk , I did already too … just waiting now for the green light for share the showcase scans

That’s right!

I checked and about inserting posts with scans it had been written to me since November 3rd

Yes that is correct , but that was the original plan that changed , I still don’t have the new date . But I suspect soon . I will text you once I get it.

P.S it shifted to next week

I’m curious, what did you guys do to become beta testers?

You mean Beta User …

  1. You can produce quality scans using Revopoint devices and showcase them often in our community or group
  2. You helping out actively and guide other users and help them on a daily basis , make helpful tutorials or videos .

From time to time Revopoint choice new very limited Beta users from the community for their new beta products on their own discretion.

I haven’t even been given permission to unbox yet.

Only in the forum here is allowed .
No unboxing videos yet.
I added you to our group .

Do you by any chance have the possibility to compare the Range to Einscan Einstar? Your opinion on these two would be of great interest.

@ivan I don’t think that is the right place to talk about in respect to Davide thread .
We don’t want it to be shut down as the other thread as it is against the forum TOS
But I would tell you only one thing , if it was as good I would purchased it but beside good software and shiny hardware, there is nothing else of my interest …meaning the final mesh output… I have already POP1 … :wink:
I don’t think you can even compare it to Range, definitely not based on the quality of the meshes .
Let’s end it by that …