POP2 W/RevoScan 4.0.0 & 4.0.1 looses track!

Wonder if someone can help me. trying scanning for the first time. Managed to get the sculp working fine.

However now trying to scan other parts just to gather some experience. Doesnt matter what i am scanning it always has the same fault: it rotates a little bit and then basically looses its position. Like it is drafting angular. its either this or it shifts couple inches to whatever side and continues scanning. Not sure whats wrong.

Tried the plastic foil which came with the POP2 in the background and a simple red plastic box this time.

Settings as below:

before I start scanning:

just after ive started this time it drifts away:

Tried it another time with adjusting the depth slightly:

and again adjusted the depth:

Please can someone help me figuring it out?


SHeuerYour box has flat sides and is very symmetric so in feature mode the POP 2’s comparison engine cannot tell the difference between the different sides & thus looses tracking.

You’ll need to use marker mode.
Try with the markers on the table. They may be sufficient.

If not, see these 2 threads:

[Guide] How to Scan Object with Marker Mode
Applying markers

& Watch these videos:
[Tutorials] How to scan objects with Markers?


Have the same issue on 4.0.3: this version appears to be very processor hungry. On my 12-core i7-12700K it utilizes almost 80% of processor time, using all 20 logical cores and still looses track when some system spikes occur: image freezes for a few seconds while scanning and then it looses the track. To workaround I close all other applications and set ‘High’ priority to the Revo Scan process in the Task Manager. Only then I’m able to finish the scan. I don’t remember I had same issue on older versions.

losing tracking has nothing to do with speed of your computer , it is already processed inside the scanner . Losing tracking cause is number one visual features of your object . Features that are needed to register object in space.
How you think people can scan stuff on their phones ? they don’t need super fast power hungry CPU .

my CPU run at 17% , it only get to 65% while final meshing and writing data for a moment . Normally it runs at 12-17% and 3% max of GPU.

The interruption may be cause in your system , as you should have no freeze while scanning or any delays . It never happen to me and I scan daily for many hours day after day .

4.0.1…518a is so far the best software to date for me , and I did not encountered any tracking issues or delays with the last build . It actually have better point cloud fusing compared to early versions .

It is possible that some changes interrupted the smooth workflow with your system , but it is isolated events and many factors can be cause of that , like you said power management setting helped , check your graphic card and see if the power priority is set on max . In many cases it can cause delays when processing 3D scanning in real time .

“Losing tracking has nothing to do with speed of your computer , it is already processed inside the scanner”

“In many cases it can cause delays when processing 3D scanning in real time”

You’re contradicting to yourself: if tracking already processed inside the scanner, those events would not affect tracking on the PC. In fact, closing other processes and giving to Revo Scan higher priority evidently allows me to finish the scan. You right, it is not the issue of the PC power, much slower computers do the job, but it can be an affinity arbitration issue: Revo Scan creates a lot of threads in the context of the main process, so giving some time-critical thread to a busy core may slow down the whole processing, when all other threads are waiting for one to complete. This is just my theory, those who know the code may find other culprits.

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The scanner processing tracking in real time at 10 frames per sec inside the scanner using it’s processor based on visual features of the object , only the object features can affect the tracking, speed or movement of the scanner, shaking or too fast turntable . Your PC don’t control the speed or tracking . For the same reason how more frames per second the scanner can capture in real time how less issues with tracking .
So your slower or faster CPU has nothing to do with it .

What you see on your screen already happened inside your scanner processor .

Well that is not what is happening on my PC . My CPU is at 12-17% maximum while scanning and fusing .
Revo Scan may affect your system differently , everything is possible . I never saw one software in the world working perfectly on each individual system .

Maybe @Revopoint can ask the development team and see if there is any solution to your issue . You may send your system specification directly to @Revopoint via PM .

I hope they can find a solution for you .
Fingers crossed :crossed_fingers:

I figured it out. Disabling Hyperthreading in BIOS makes things significantly better. So my theory was correct: the problem is that the software allocates some threads without honoring the core’s current load and affinity. In addition, it makes fusing faster as well. It (disabling Hyperthreading) might be put as a recommendation of usage for now.


That also explains why you CPU utilization was at 100% and not 12-17% as on my system , good finding @arifg

Usually my Hyperthreading is set on Auto , but I checked and disabled it , it indeed processed everything little faster but now my CPU running fully at 100% while processing and 30% while not scanning , with Hyperthreading it never reach 67% while processing , fusing, meshing or textures but was slightly slower in the process however I never have issues with lagging or tracking .

Sadly I am using other software that relay on hyperthreading so it will be not an option for me to switch back and forth while working .