POP2 - PUTV 3D Models Showcase Progress & Tips


I have a question for you experienced scaners.

I currently own a revopoint mini.
I’m very happy with the scan results, but blue light is visible light, so I can’t ask models to scan their faces.

So I’m thinking of buying a pop2, do you think the pop2 is worth getting for face scanning?

I’ll answer this. Absolutely it is.
I have the Mini and the Pop2. The Pop2 gets more use despite being worse on paper. The mini is great for… mini things, and when I need a ton of detail. For everything else I use the Pop2.


Thank you for answering.

I have never seen the actual pop2, so I don’t know much about the product.

The mini emits a visible blue light all the time, does the pop2 emit a visible light?
That’s more of a concern than performance.

POP2 use infrared invisible light and safe as well , you will be fine scanning your models faces with .
MINI Blue light is also Class 1 safe laser but some people don’t feel comfortable with blinking blue light in their faces so you going to be better of with POP2.

Personally I prefer POP2 for that job .

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I 3D modelled some tracking markers that work well to stop the scanners losing track. you can download them for free from my Dropbox account.


I got a POP2 after I tried MINI, and I absolutely recommend it. I use it all the time!
Like @Rilot said, MINI is best for very small objects or things that require a lot of detail. Other than that, POP 2 is your best friend :wink:

The news is out , Revopoint Range 3D Scanner , the big brother of POP2
Check out …

First Full body scan preview with upcoming Revopoint Range 3D Scanner , in case you are interested to check out .

@PUTV Hi , I am also interested in seeing a tutorial on the workflow for this. Love all the other work that you do and the information that you post. Learning so much. Thank you.

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Hi Bernie , you mean the full body scan ?
Sorry too many stuff on my mind at this moment …

And thank you so much for your kind word!

I did scan quick full body with Range , I have it here if you want to check

The process is the same when I used POP2 before .

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Hi @PUTV thank you for the reply. I was trying to reply below the post where you have used normal and displaced maps on the model Athena to add details to the 6K poly model. The reply kept showing up at the bottom of the thread and I don’t know why. I know you are always busy but I am adding my name to the replies of people who would be interested to see the workflow in the future. Thank you.

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Ok no problem Bernie !thank you !
I will let you know , next time just add quote to your reply for a reminder .

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