Pop 3 disconnecting when light leds are enabled

Hi dear friends, my problem is that my pop3 scanner disconnects when enabling light leds, both in color and non color mode. When light leds are disabled, the scanner works.
I have the latest RevoScan version 5.4.12 on windows 10. I think I have made some test color scans with lights on, and havent this issue.
Have you any idea how I could solve this issue? Thank you in advance.

Update: I am using a pci card for USB3.0 ports.
Recently I have changed the connection of this card with the psu to sata power cable. Just tried connecting this card with molex power cable, and seems that I have not this issue with disconnecting when scanner leds are on.

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I had the same issue before , seems like it was not enough power supplied because I got message on screen about that for a second ." Inefficient USB Power Supply " win11

I changed it to my external powered USB hub and problem was solved .
Now I use all my scanners with the external powered USB hub and works just fine .

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The strange thing is that both sata power cable and molex cable connectors, are on the same power line from the psu. So they should provide the same amount of current. Thankfully it seems that the issue is solved now.