Pop 3 calibration - "data processing failed"

Yes I did. I even included my order number an adress
This was my mail:
Hi support,

with a more new Revoscan 5 you can check the accuracy of pop 3. Doing this, I got this message for several times:


So I tried to calibrate, but after the process itself, when sending the calibration data to the scanner, every time this error message shows:


This is how my calibration board looks srtraight out of the box:



As you see, it is warped and has a wrinkles top sheet.

Please help!

Do you think this is an issue of the calibration board or the scanner itself? The software says it was last calibrated on 2023-06-19.

Please also note that the accuracy of my pop 3 was not very goode even before trying to calibrate.

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