New 3D scanners' compatibility with old RevoScan versions

Hi everyone,

I am currently using RS v5.4.3 for my use case, with the POP 3 scanner. I wanted to know, if I were to buy a new scanner (in particular the Pop3 plus) from Revopoint, would it still be compatible with this version? I would prefer to stick with this software version, instead of upgrading it to the latest.

Thank you.

Hi @33namead

Unfortunately, no. We didn’t add support for POP 3 Plus devices until V5.4.9. If you have purchased a POP 3 Plus now, you will have to download the latest version of the software to accommodate the POP 3 Plus.

You can try our new version of the software, which actually adds a lot of features, including added support for 3D Connexion SpaceMouse and Global Marker Tracking Mode.

Can you mention the reason you don’t want to upgrade?

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I guess it is a case of “never change a running system” :laughing:

Because the version he use works best with his current POP3 device , don’t fix it if is not broken .

Hi @33namead you can install both software parallel and start it direct from Program files RS folder you copied without installation .
For example you copy the Program File folder with RS 5.4.3 to another location , and after that you install the new RS version . Then you can run the older version direct from that folder you copied . This way you can have as many version as you like , I have all of them this way , because I do sometimes use old software with older scanners just for scanning . Like for example RS.4.2 with MINI 1 beta