Misaligned camera or software issue?

In the screenshot im holding a sheet of paper to the pop scanner, which indicates that its only scanning part of the camera image. As it is cropped only on the top, bottom and left side, I indicate there is a lens misaligned, or is it common?
(red lines for visualisation)

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I believe its due to cameras that are inclined at an angle and this us only showing the combined areas those cameras see. no misalignement, otherwise the scans would’t be as precise as they are.

Just curious. And it could be compensated by the software i thought.

Some are getting better scans than others. Your scanned head was so georgous and no matter what i trie i cannot achieve this level of detail, even if it is just a part from a face.
After i tried multiple gain settings in the software, change lighting, Tripod vs handheld… I thought there may be some production flaws, and when i made the test with the paper i was curious why the active region would be shifted to one side rather than to be centered.

When you use it next time, would you mind to test your active region with some paper too? Ty

Hi! I did the test and can reproduce it with my unit, too! this effect is definitely depending on angle and distance you hold paper in front of POP. you are holding the paper quite inclined and not parallel to cameras. the preview imnage is combining both images of right and left camera which also pick/scan different areas of the object (here:paper) depending on color, distance and settings. still I don’t notice any impact on accuracy resp. no skewing of object.


Mine behaves he same.

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Thanks for that. The angle in which i held the sheet was to cover the biggest part in blue.

Think i have to improve my techniques then.

Just ordered a turntable with 100kg loadweight and remote control…

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I hope you can freely set up the speed of the turntable. for now i use a turntable i can move by hand and choose the spped I like :grimacing: