Is there a way to stop Revoscan replacing all the marker points with a flat disk during Fusion?
Surfaces with marker dots scan nicely, but then during fusion all marker dots get replaced by a huge flat disk in the created mesh:
What’s the point of it?
Can I disable it somehow?
That is because you have a flat disk on your part when you scan
You can scan without any markers on your part if you have enough markers around it for the scanner to “see”. See some of the @Rilot latest mouse scans or @dfodaro for some good examples.
Oh, now tha tI zoomed in on your pictures it looks like you are having some sort of smoothing issue. What is your workflow for processing the scan?
No, it does put those discs on fused laser scans. Not always in the right place either. I’ve had two crashes while scanning so far, and each of them had seemingly viable scans until fusing, then a swarm of randomly placed marker discs attacked.
First of all
the disks are much larger than original markers - you can see in my pictures I have markers on those pillars laying flat on the table.
After fusing they get replaced with those damn disks - they are bigger than the pillars - this makes it impossible to scan a slim object with tracking markers on it
Secondly - yes - the markers tend to show up in weird places - let’s call them phantom markers:
Here they are below the surface of the table and here
they are underneath the scanned object!!
And third:
they don’t only just appear - they seem to have a void volume around them so that they actually cut a hole in the scanned mesh:
Here is the point cloud - quite nice
Now look at the button on the right of the camera eye piece:
Not only did the flat disk intersect here with the mesh, but it also cut a perfectly circular hole in it!?!?!
We need to have an option to disable these disks - I for one have absolutely no use for them whatsoever - and it’s clear they are created artificially during fusing so I hope it’s not a problem to just disable that option.
Especially since we get these phantom markers - I have a theory about them.
You see - there were absolutely no markers on the camera I scanned - and still the disks were created on the camera. I believe the scanner is confusing some real elements for markers. After all, a marker is just a reflective circle, so a circular metal element or even a well placed highlight can be mistaken for a marker - it wouldn’t be a problem just by itself, but since all found markers are automatically converted into disks, this wreaks havok on my scanned objects
If you turn on Remove Marker Points and set the radius to 1mm (lowest it allows) then it does indeed only remove a 2mm diameter hole and leaves the rest of the marker area intact (no discs). The value set doesn’t appear to affect the discs that appear when the option is turned off.
Unless there’s another place to set a marker size that I haven’t seen yet.
I know, but I don’t use it because I never have markers on my object so there is no need to remove them.
Unless they get replaced by a large disc that actually extends so far beyond the original marker that it now intersects with my object’s mesh
Also it’s not really a fix, because it removes the marker by creating a disk size hole in the mesh - I don’t want that either
Seriously, just a switch to stop Revoscan creating those disks, that’s all I ask
I’m really really ok with the pointcloud I’m seeing before fusing - I’m ok with that amount of data in the place where the marker was.
I agree the discs should go. But on the discs that aren’t even real markers, setting the markers to remove and using the smallest radius might help in specific cases.
By default remove markers is unchecked - this results in creating the discs.
If I check the remove markers option - the discs get created and the they get substracted from the resulting mesh, leaving round holes.
So none of these options is what we want - we just want the fusing process to use the gathered point cloud - forget about the markers completely.
It used the markers during scanning for tracking purposes - fine. Now that we have a scanned point cloud - forget the markers were ever there - just fuse the point cloud as it is.