Losing resolution and data upon meshing in Revoscan

I am using the MINI2 to produce a high-quality scan of a tyrannosaur maxilla (jaw bone) for modeling purposes.

Using a single scan (no merges) I have created a point cloud with 16.8million points. This creates a 368MB sized file, and retains a high-detailed high resolution point cloud.
Upon Meshing in Revoscan using the highest quality settings (6.0), the scan loses a lot of detail and the file size is reduced to just 13MB. We need a higher resolution mesh than this, and the point cloud shows us that it initially is possible. Is there any additional tools we could be using to maintain this detail? I am looking into other programs in order to create a mesh that retains the detail and data for this scan.

Below are before and after images of the point cloud compared to the mesh.

for higher density mesh you will have to export the pointcloud to freeware cloud compare and mesh it there.


DON’T ONE CLICK EDIT! If that’s what you’re doing? Apoligies if not but your mouse pointer is hovering ominously over it! Manually run Fusion at 0.08 and then Mesh at 6. If youre still getting a forced point-sampling/decimation, export the points as a ply, import into CloudCompare (its free) and run a Poisson Reconstruction in there. Experiment with Octree 10, 11 and 12 to see what works best (i e. what retains the detailing without retaining too many points/polys)
I found the same with the RANGE2. I think over a certain point count it just automatically downsamples?


Oh I see that now haha! I never use the One-click edit, and I always manually fuse at .08 and Mesh at 6.0 and those screenshots above are what it produces. I’ve just downloaded CloudCompare and I’ll try running the reconstruction there with your suggestions! Thank you so much!
It would make sense that maybe its just reducing the model out of necessity for the program.


I am giving that a shot now! Just looking through some tutorials and we’ll see how it goes. Thank you so much!


Hi @alhendrix96
Cloud Compares will be here you only chance to get max from that point cloud , it will take some time to process this since it is a huge pointcloud .

Just remember that not everything set at highest or maximum settings will always produce you a maximum quality in Revo Scan 5.
It all depends of the size of the volume and the allowances by the software , if the volume size of the scanned object is too great it will be downgraded while meshing or you will run out of RAM and simply crash .
So losing the data while meshing is actually on purpose and not a bug .

And stay away from One click options as that is just for a quick preview processing.

Once you clean the pointcloud from overlapped points and lose point , process it in Cloud Compare but don’t go above level 12 or you get too many artificial noises .

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Pleasure. Another thing to consider is if you’re planning on extracting any textures for visualisation, use some additional lighting. The built in illuminator is really handy for when you don’t have any lighting around, but I’ve been running some tests, and you definitely get a big resolution increase with a custom lighting setup. I imagine it’s due to the RGB camera perhaps switching to effectively a larger f-stop/smaller aperture and thus focussing more widely? Not sure - but whatever the reason I’m definitely seeing a better, more detailed texture with more light on the subject (see attached - custom lighting rig on the left, built-in illuminator on the right). N.B. I didn’t bother colour correcting the new scan - I tend to scan a Macbeth chart with any scan where I’m interested in texture, but I haven’t got around to tweaking this one as I was mainly interested in the effect on the crispness/detail.
Although this is a human thoracic, so I suspect you’ll be dealing with considerably larger!

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Thanks for the tips! I’ll keep this in mind for the future. We’re currently just focusing on getting as much physical resolution as possible since we intend to take these models and print them out at life-size, but when we begin to expand our digital library, texture will become very important!
That custom lighting rig is definitely doing a better job there, those look really nice especially when compared to some of the scans you might find on sketchfab and whatnot. Thanks for breaking that down for me! I’ll keep a Macbeth chart in mind too!

Thanks for the tips and explanation! I realize it looks like I’m about to click on the One-click button, that was on accident when taking the screenshot haha. I go through all the advanced settings and tools before meshing.
I just downloaded Cloud Compare today and the 12 setting for PoissonRecon produced a pretty good looking model. I’ll definitely be learning the ins and outs of this for the future!

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that’s noticable better texture quality, indeed. Could you maybe share your custom lightning setup? maybe in a new thread? that would be great🙂

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