yes, the mini can capture much more detail then the current mesh density allows, so another level of meshing as seen in the example will be more useful for MINI users.
Once you start merging scans (on any of the current scanners) you can exceed level 6 even at moderate point distances. If you’re insane like me you’re trying for 20’ wide, 10’ tall and 50 million faces with a Range.
Merging scans do not increase accuracy , the point distance is still the same as after fusing .
Everything you do after fusing will only decrease the accuracy , no matter it is merging or meshing .
For some scanners like Range series , merging decrease the accuracy after meshing as there are not extra levels available after .
Range series suffer mostly from lower meshing level than it should .
Point distance after Fusing is the final point distance and nothing can change it ( increase the accuracy ) . If you have a cube with 4 points , meshing it at double level will not magically increase the accuracy but duplicate the main points .
However as John stated , in some cases the meshing grid level is lower than the fusing resolution . Usually with objects bigger than 15cm , and that goes mostly for all scanners that scan objects bigger than previously set by its profile .
For proper usage you still need to watch the Grid when setting the Meshing level , if the proper Grid level is not available , then you know you gonna lose the details and you should (for now) mesh it in Cloud Compare .
If the fusing Grid is 0.08 and meshing Grid allows 0.04 it will not increase the accuracy but only duplicate the points and induce more noises .
Also pls remember Revo Scan OpenGL preview do not include smoothed normals ,what you see is what you get .
Smoothed normals are available after Texturing only .