Kentacles - MIRACO Showcase

Just because I’ve been quiet lately, doesn’t mean I haven’t been busy scanning… :wink:

I recently made the jump to a Miraco from my Inspire, and WHEW has it been a blast!
The combination of portability and scan quality has been a trip, and I’ve been carrying the scanner everywhere with me.

And as a result, I’ve got some scans to share!


  • Near Mode
  • Continuous Capture
  • Advanced Fusion at 0.1mm
  • Mesh Quality also 0.1mm

Goals: Small object (approximately 120mm long), lots of small details, undercuts, and small details. Also wanted to see what kind of texture quality I could pull straight from a scan. Definitely not disappointed.

Sony Digital Camera

  • Near Mode
  • Prepped with Scanner Spray
  • Continuous Capture
  • Advanced Fusion at 0.1mm
  • Mesh Quality also 0.1mm

Goals: Just wanted to re-visit one of my Inspire scans and see how the Miraco fared. I have to say, it came out pretty great. I also wanted to see how easily I could import the mesh into an app on my tablet for texturing, since I captured this one using scanning spray. Didn’t do anything fancy, but still very very pleased.

Automower Wheel

  • Far Mode
  • Prepped with Scanner Spray
  • Single Frame Capture
  • One-Click for everything

Goals: Completely self-serving. The wheels on my robot mower have lost nearly all traction after roughly 1 year, and the replacements cost about 1/5 the cost of the mower itself. No, thank you. So I scanned one of the wheels, pulled it into my CAD software, and reverse engineered / used it as reference to create what I consider an upgrade.

3D printed the replacements using CF-PETG, and modelled them to be able to handle the terrain of my yard. (Plus, everyone knows chrome rims make the mower 20% faster, right?)

And of course, here’s Shredder with his new feet:

(I gotta say, it was so nice being able to do a quick scan in the garage rather than bringing a dirty wheel up into my office and measuring a million details and getting grass and mud all over the place.)

I have more projects I’m working on, and I can’t wait to share what I’ve got in the pipeline :smiley:


As always great scan, great use cases, great presentation- that’s why your posts are among my favourite ones. :clap: Looking forward to your future sharings.:slightly_smiling_face:

What do you get when you have a high resolution camera built into a 3D scanner?
One clean texture!

Bioshock 2 Rosie Figurine

I’m a nerd with nerdy things, and why not create a digital backup of those nerdy things? I also wanted to see what kind of texture quality I can push from the Miraco.


  • Bioshock 2 Big Daddy (Rosie) NECA Figurine
  • 190mm tall
  • Painted, plastic and vinyl

Scanning Parameters

  • Near Mode, connected to PC
  • Dark Object
  • Single Shot, ~1k images
  • Advanced Fusion - 0.16mm
  • Mesh Quality - 6.1, 0.16mm
  • Textured using color image capture
  • Resulting model had over 12.6m polygons

The figurine pretty much required Dark Mode. Without it, much of the figure simply didn’t scan. Aside from the darker colors, something about the paint and materials absolutely absorbed IR like a black hole. Dark mode nailed it, however.

(Learned a valuable lesson about texturing almost 13 million polygons. Unless you absolutely need all those triangles, simplify before generating a texture folks. Your RAM will thank me later) :slight_smile:

After capturing the images above, I did a 90% simplification of the mesh and regenerated the texture. I exported the file as OBJ to play with on my tablet.
The turntable below was created using the exported model and texture. I added a specularity layer to make the metal bits shine, created an environmental light, a single spot light, and a tiny bit of post processing.

This is a pretty good example of what you can get using a scan with very little work. This was rendered in real time on a 4 year-old android tablet. This very much makes me want to brush off Unreal Engine on my PC and start building environments using my scans…

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I’m back with more scans!

I’m a CAD guy. But I keep thinking about the other possibilities of the Miraco, since it’s got this awesome camera. (Hint: the last image in this post)

I’ve been wanting to scan things with the idea of rendering rather than reverse engineering. These were also all “just for fun” scans.

First item:

Old Green Chair

This chair lives in the library in my house (what some would call a formal room, but I have a lot of books). It’s a little odd looking, old, and I figured it would be a fun scan and a chance to try out Far mode.

Shot in Single Shot, Far Mode, textured using color images.


Single Shot, Near Mode
Fused 0.17
Meshed 0.15mm
No Texture

I wanted to play with luminance in rendering and figured if I was gonna have a flashlight model, I might as well have as accurate as possible a model, right?

Afternoon Snack

I scanned this today. Half way through eating it, the scanning bug bit and I realized I had to scan this.

Continuous Capture, High Quality
Fused at 0.2mm, meshed at the same.
Vertex Color texture

I render on a 4 year old Android tablet using Nomad Sculpt. So in order to not make my tablet explode, I decimated by 95% before exporting the OBJ. (this still resulted in >350k triangles!)

This looks so good I want to eat it again…

The orange scan REALLY has me wanting to break out Unreal Engine for the first time in a decade and use it to stage and render some shots…


Everyone has different reasons for scanning. Work, reverse engineering, asset creation, it’s a wide spectrum.

Then you’ve got me, who scans for all the reasons, or none of the reasons! :sweat_smile:

Pointless scan of the day:

Whole Wheat Bread

Apparently I’m slowly scanning a complete and balanced breakfast.

This scan was done purely for fun. No real goal what-so-ever besides the thought, “I’m gonna scan that slice of bread.”

So I scanned the bread. Then I rendered the bread.

Onto something a little more useful and less silly.

Dreamcast Controller Shell (Bottom)

I decided to scan the shell of one of my Dreamcast controllers so I could reverse engineer and remodel it into something a little more comfortable / a little less gigantic (There’s a LOT of unused space in that thing!).

Scan Settings

  • Single Frame Capture | Near Mode | High Quality
  • Object Prep: Scanner spray to reduce reflections
  • Fused at 0.1 | Meshed at Quality 7

The scan came out so good that I decided to throw together a quick little render scene of it as well.

I can’t get over how well it captured the shadow lines of the shell, as well as the clean capture of the flat surace / inset surfaces of the posts. My mind is blown.


Well, the Miraco just came in handy!

Either I’m incredibly strong, or the 10+ year-old plastic shed in my back yard isn’t the highest quality structure. (I’m going to go with the incredible strong angle)

Replacement Shed Door Handle

I went to open the door, and off came the handle. My first attempt at a fix was superglue, but that didn’t work at all. Time for a replacement!

I lightly glued the standoffs on again, did a quick scan, exported the STL, and printed it in my “it doesn’t need to be pretty, it just needs to work” profile.

Didn’t do anything fancy, didn’t do any in-depth cleanup, just scan-print-install.

And now my shed has two fully functional handles again!

Came out pretty good for a low effort scan

Printed and side-by-side with the broken handle. (Standoffs already fell off again)

Freshly installed and doing exactly what I need it to do!

This is probably the fastest scan to final product turnaround I’ve had. Probably an hour of total effort on my part. The longest wait was the 2 hour print.

This is the second time I’ve scanned and printed a replacement part for something specific in my house, and won’t be the last.


Let MIRACO help you in life :+1: