I recieved an Inspire for Christmas, and have been learning it’s capabilities and creating my own workflow over the past couple days.
I’m a long time 3d modeller (polygon, sculpting, and parametric 3d CAD) as well as some hacky 3d scanning (Samsung Note 10+, kinect, raspberry pi with lidar ripped from robot vacuum, arduino and various distance sensors). I’ve also done an absolute ton of photogrammetry, which was my primary capture tool until now.
The Inspire is already my favorite method by FAR. Speed, ease of use, and quality. And for CAD, not having to worry about scale or inaccuracies in geometry caused by the photogrammetry process is fantastic.
I also do an absurd amount of 3D printing and design around that, so this is an incredible tool for me.
Anyways, on to the results:
Dremel 7700. Most recent scan. Turntable capture. Used baking flour as matte surface since I don’t have scanning spray. Mixed results, especially caking in crevices.
This is my own attempt at creating my own post-processing workflow. I was able to capture a majority of the fine details, however surface still has some noise.
Souvenir Skull Souvenir from a trip to Mexico. Makes a good benchmark for organic shape capture due to high level of detail and high contrast of surface. Captured in standard mode. (This was my first scan on the Inspire. I didn’t even touch the bust)
Side by side comparison of the skull from above. Top capture is Inspire, bottom is Photogrammetry.
Photogrammetry required an absolute ton of post processing and cleanup, and still shows errors and surface noise. Granted, I don’t have a polarized light setup, but that would cost more than the Inspire…
Photogrammetry DOES provide a fantastic texture, but that’s to be expected from 200 50mp images.
Cow. When your toddler yells “COW!” and puts a cow on your turn table, you better scan the cow. Next step will be 3D printing the cow. Can never have too many cows.
There’s about to be a ton of 3D Scanning in my future. The Inspire is going to have a permanent home in my every day carry. I’m going to to see just how far I can push the limits of this little monster.