Ken's MetroX Beta Showcase

The Classic - David Bust

  • Full Field
  • Feature Tracking
  • Nothing special done.

First of all, this tracked wonderfully, and the entire scan took about 2 minutes.

This is still one of my favorite items to scan - the David bust.
Nothing against Agrippa, but I’m all team David.

The bridge of the nose has ALWAYS been a pain point for me - this one came out CLEAN. I’m thrilled.


Dreamcast Controller

At this point enough people probably know how much I love my “retro” game console, the Dreamcast. (It still hurts me to call it that). So, why not scan the controller?

  • Automatic Turntable
  • Feature Tracking
  • All automatic tools

I. LOVE. Auto Turntable.

Lasers are cool, but do you like :sparkles:automation:sparkles:?

I just put the controller on the turntable, click “start”, and that’s it.
For those that don’t know, it’s basically like an automatic Single Frame Capture.
Scanner takes shots. Turntable rotates a little bit. Scanner takes shots. Repeat.
This is easily one of the cleanest scans I’ve ever gotten, and the effort it took was laughably small. This may very well be my go-to method in the future.

Anyways, here’s some pictures!


Bioshock 2 Rosie Figurine

I’m a nerd. I scan nerdy things. So I scanned one of my favorite figurines.

Rosie is somewhat bulky - about 180mm? Give or take?

  • Auto Turntable Mode (I love this mode so much)
  • Color Capture (as you can see)
  • Fuse > Isolate > Overlap > Mesh. Nothing manual.


DC Motor / Gear Enclosure

Lasers are awesome.

I need to modify the enclosure that a large DC motor and step-down gears go into for a robotics project. (scavenged from a poor robot vaccuum that bit the dust)

This thing is made from glossy black ABS plastic. Also known as a scanner’s worst enemy.
Threw some lasers at it though and I’m extremely happy.

Dimensions on this thing are 110mm (gear enclosure) x 75mm (DC motor side).

Came out great, but now I unfortunately don’t have a reason to delay the project any longer. :sweat_smile:


Christmas Angel Sculpture

Christmas is still a way’s off, but that hasn’t stopped the decorations from appearing around my house.

Saw this on the mantle and immediately knew it had to be scanned so I can print a mini version of it as a tree ornament.

  • Auto Turntable
  • That BEAUTIFUL color capture
  • Default settings everywhere.

Really happy with the quality of the scans and the color I’m getting! Need to find more to scan ASAP


A Very Small Gundam Pilot

Not a lot to say here, I’m just really really happy with the results.
This isn’t a tabletop mini, this is a 27.5mm tall itty bitty pilot that comes with a Gundam model kit. (PG Unicorn, if you’re curious)

  • Auto Turntable (my new favorite thing)
  • Fused and meshed at highest resolution

I mean c’mon, look at that. How did the scanner pull that off??
Magic, if I had to guess.


NES Controller Top Shell

Lasers. Are. So. Much. Fun.

All I’m gonna say is it scanned so well it captured the weird scaling these old plastic shells get with age.

Dimensions are 123.5mm x 53.2mm

Is there anything lasers can’t do???


Great scan(s), mate. Does Auto-Turntable work with any of your other Revo scanners?

I haven’t checked, but I believe it’s exclusive to the MetroX

Shiny Candle Stick Holder

I’ve seen people asking: Can is scan shiny?

Yes it can. :smiley:

This is a big candle stick holder, about 210mm (8.5in) tall.


Raspberry Pi Zero

Who like pi? I do. So I scanned one.

A retired Raspberry Pi Zero W, to be specific.

  • Auto Turntable mode doing it’s magic again.
    • I’m seriously a huge fan of this mode.
  • Fused and meshed at finest settings Revoscan will let me, even if completely unnecessary.
    • Does a Pi Zero need to be 5.5m polygons? No. Am I gonna do it anyways? You betchya.

A Pi Zero, if you’re not aware, is pretty small. 65x30mm. Kinda why they call it the “Zero” I guess.

You don’t care about that - you’re here for the scan. Here it is!

![Screenshot 2024-11-18 202108|690x304]


Like your Pi a little bigger? Here’s the grandaddy, OG Pi, just for fun.
I’d say I brushed the dust off of it, but as you can see by the camera ribbon header I clearly didn’t remove any dust.


Do you think you thing the laser mode could achieve good detail on small parts like this? I was under the impression a laser could good for scanning gundam parts but after seeing so much auto turn-table action I’m wondering why the mini couldn’t have that feature implemented at some point?

Because MetroX uses completely different projector mode type in Auto mode for that than MINI and you can compare it more with Artec Micro2 than MINI .
Just because there is a blue light don’t means they have anything to do with each other , completely different stuff and should be not compared .

I’ll bet the Mini 2 will get auto turntable in the future. There is nothing technologically stopping it. It’s basically just single shot mode paired with pausing the turntable between shots. You could probably get the same quality results as if the Mini 2 did have auto turntable by just putting the Mini 2 on a tripod, so that it was held very still during capture, and scanning in single shot mode with the item being scanned also at a standstill for every capture.

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It can get but you never get the hardware and results , total different projector and patterns . Far above Mini series .


Fully agree. I can mimic 100% the auto turntable mode with my Raspi Zero, and the MetroX examples seen so far seem to be on a different league. Perhaps I might do a comparison with my Mini when I get mine


Yeah, I’m not saying the Mini 2 will get MetroX-like results. I’m saying you can get the same results by DIY’ing the auto turntable mode with the Mini 2 as you would if the Mini 2 had a legit auto turntable mode.

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MetroX have 3 different pattern and shifting in a single shot , Mini have just one that shifting and on very low light level . Little different scanning routine .

But @misterpepper you can make Mini having auto turntable with a single mode , however that is not a comparison as the results will be 90% less than MetroX.

Trust me I have both .

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