Just started to use POP2, object jumping around

i need some help here. i had a POP1 which i used a little before getting a POP2, the POP1 worked fine.

my POP2 that ive just started to have a go with using the same object is jumping around even though its on the turntable and the scanner is on a tripod. after a few rotations this is causing a sort of ghosting of the object.

im using the PC scan software version

any ideas? do i need to calibrate it?

had a go with the android app and it does the same jumping but does not mess up the scan and i can scan with reasonable results.

so it seems the scanner is probably ok, though the scan seemed soft on the phone this might be because it doesnt have the same power as a PC. now im wondering why the PC app starts creating multiple lumps of the object and has so much difficulty working out when i un pause which way round the object is, compared to the phone app.

I had a similar problem but the final mesh looked better so I’m not sure if it is a graphics card issue in the computer.

Hi @Cypher

Can you share us a video?

Best Regards

after a few rotations this is causing a sort of ghosting of the object

You should only do one full rotation about 300 frames then fuse, then reposition and do another 300 or so frames to get the missing parts of the object this will reduce the chance of ghosting, doing more rotations adds more noise to the scan

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This is not my topic but I got same problem with my POP2.
I attached the video of my case.

there isn’t enough features for it to keep tracking, try putting something under it like wrinkled up paper or blanket, put something between to lift object up a little so you can clip it easy later, then make sure the POP2 can see the paper/ blanket when scanning, this will keep tracking better, you could also stick bits of masking tape to the surface to aid tracking, alternatively use the marker mode


@kaagfc you can’t scan flat objects like that , as @Johnathan already suggested you need add some features or use marker mode .

This is not a problem and normal behavior , 3D scanner needs some visual tracking points to register the object in space and build a frame based on XYZ , flat objects like that , do not provide enough tracking points on its own. That why simple objects are much more difficult to scan than complex objects .

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Thank you for your reply @Johnathan , @PUTV

I think the hole was clearly a feature, not?
I will be able to understand this behavior if the hole will go out from capture area.

Anyway, I’ll try marker mode scan.

3D sensors need a geometry to be tracked in space , but it was just an empty space , the infrared sensor need to reflect light from the features and a black color or a hole do not reflect anything back and absorbing the IR light. If you want to register a geometry in space , you needs a solid geometry features.

Don’t forget to use markers in marker mode . The white markers will reflect the infrared light and the sensors will keep tracking the object in space.

This task sound maybe straight forward but not that easy to accomplish since you starting from the most difficult task no matters what scanner you are using .

Good luck :crossed_fingers:


Thank you for the detail and it makes sense.

I’ve tried marker mode scan and didn’t get good results with the object.
To be sure, I checked Revo Scan version and realized that I used 4.0.1.

Installed the latest one and it works better.

So far, my scanning target is my bicycle. So probably it will be quite difficult though I’ll give it a try anyway. Please let me know if you have some advices about that.


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That is great you updated the software as many things changed for better .
About scanning bigger objects go for the body mode if possible , it will give you a great distance of 40-60cm from the object meaning less issues with tracking , how greater the object area in the preview Depth Camera window how less issues . Body or Face mode is not only for face or body , it is for larger objects , Feature mode is for very small objects only .
Some parts will need the markers stickers and marker mode as that is the nature of the objects and it not always works smooth .

No matter what I say can make this process faster or better , but if you run in troubles on specific area, drop some photo or video and we may find better solution , it would be much easier than guessing as each specific object needs own individual approach.

Also keep the gain in proper settings , blue means is too dark, and red means too bright , try to adjust the gain slider so you see gray image with as little as possible of blue or red.
When using marker mode you can increase the gain , it will helps with better tracking .

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might be a bit of a noob question but you said to do a full 360 then fuse and do another rotation on a different side. i thought once you fused you couldnt modify the scan. i thought you scan then pause then scan?

@Cypher yes you can pause but if you fuse than continue I believe it uses less ram because the amount of data in the fused point cloud is less then in the 300 or so frames if you just pause after full 360, I hope that makes sense

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You can continue scanning even if you meshed it already on PC app , PC app creates a folder with all information and data so even if you do not saved the final model all data is there .
The fusing option only fuse the point frames and clean it to some degree , but it is not final option , it can be always modified even if you crashed or closed the program , you can reopen it later and continue scanning no matter at what stage you were before .

Also fusing will release the virtual memory , and create more clean point cloud base for future scanning ,tracking and alignments.

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Thank you for the advices!

About ‘gain’, that is I wanted know actually.
I’ll try using several modes for my scanning.