Folks, do you have any helpful advice on how to remove these inverted points in RevoScan which been captured with my Metrox?
I have tried the Isolation tool at various levels without any success.
Folks, do you have any helpful advice on how to remove these inverted points in RevoScan which been captured with my Metrox?
I have tried the Isolation tool at various levels without any success.
Are you sure they are inverted? It looks like a hole to me. Cause could be insufficient points captured in that area? I have seen recently where it shows in the raw data that I have points, and then in fusion it is causing them to disappear. Haven’t started digging into that one yet.
Only advice I could offer would be to cut it out and then do a hole fill. going to be tougher since the one edge is on a curved surface.
Having the ability to select geometry from the backside would be ideal in this situation. I’ve had similar instances where rogue geometry couldn’t be isolated or deleted and if there was a toggle to select geometry only from the reverse face I could have easily highlighted only the reversed geometry to delete.
There is a way to do it but its not straight forward.
What you have to do is use the “select through” button and select your area around the inverted section. This will select the inverted section as well as the good surface on the back side of your part.
Then turn off “select through”
Then while holding ctrl+shift highlight/lasso the good section on the backside of the part. This will deselect that surface, but not undo your inverted one.
I don’t have any scans with an inverted surface to test on, but I can confirm this works on a regular scan.
I tried it and you can see the edge of the cut. Not good.
Tried that too. Found that some of the points twisted so the select through doesn’t always remove the points.
Going to attempt to rescan
No, it has noisy areas above the surface.
You can’t delete them because these sections are merged with the main mesh in one or more places, so the program considers it all to be one piece. I would recommend uploading this to another program (GDX or MM) and cleaning it out there.
No noise, a rescan and the inverted points are no longer there.
Single scan, not been merged or converted into a mesh.