Why is Revoscan removing data points when fusing? Are the points too far apart in the raw data, so it is removing them and only looking at points that are closer together than 0.15mm when I fuse at that setting?
I did no trimming or cleanup, this is simply fusing. At the smallest fuse setting, shouldn’t this leave the most data but also the most noise? Why is so much of my point cloud disappearing?
Zooming in and looking at the points, it doesnt look like the points are any closer/further away from one another in these two locations. Blue and black circled areas
Yes it do and that’s normal behavior , reducing the point distance in the process so everything else is cleaned at that distance .
You should do the reduction after meshing , never downgrade the point cloud if the details are important .
I assume its about having enough points in that area. But how can I make sure I have enough points? My model was green in that area when scanning. You can see there are quite a few points there, so why does Revoscan remove the points on that side but not on the other side to that degree?
Total guess, but I wonder if it’s because that particular portion of the scan mirrors features on the other side. I have noticed that different fusion levels can be different in more ways than just point distance but I haven’t really tried to document it. In other words the frames don’t always align in the same places relative to each other as you fuse at different levels. That seems rather extreme though.
Because the points was attached to the main scans, it removed only parts that was not attached.
It should not do it actually at that scale. As the other part was actually too big on the left side to be removed , not good , it need to be investigated .
It’s just disconnected from the main volume. Yet it should not clean it at that scale. Unless One edit function was used … Manually it should be er do that
Zero cleanup has been performed in any of those pictures. Simply fusing at said settings. I get that doing an isolation would clean it up because it is not as “attached” to a majority group of points.
Different scan from original post here
Does the Raw rendering screen not actually show all the points you captured? Look at this raw rendering, specifically the circled area. There is a lack of data here. Second image is a zoomed up version of that area.
It is described as the preset point distance between clouds. I would take that to mean that it will capture points no closer than what is set. This would speed up scanning if you didn’t need a ton of detail. But the lowest I can set this to is 0.20mm. The way I read that is I couldn’t capture points closer than 0.20mm, which would mean if I try and fuse at 0.15mm in theory there wouldn’t be any points that close together.
And please show me a photo of the part. I have a suspicion that you need to mat the surface, select a spray and a method of data collection. This is purely intuition based on experience, nothing more