How to reorient front/side/top to scan within revo scan 5

After i make a scan I want to reorient the mesh to the front/side/top axes so it’s aligned perfectly to those axes. Is that possible in Revo 5 software.

The reason I want to do this is so when I export the mesh, it’s alignment is correct for importing to other software.

Thank you

hi! no, there is no such option in RevoScan (yet). orientation depends on orientation of first frame when scanning.

I often import stl or obj in 3d slicer like orca slicer and use orientation tools there.

for reverse engineering I simplify the mesh and use alignement metgods in fusion 360.

Hi @ivan,
It is true that we do not have this feature in our software at the moment. But this request has been received by our R&D team and they are still discussing and scheduling it, looking forward to implement it in a future version.
Thank you very much for your suggestion. :handshake: