Fusion not working


Today I scanned a car (one side of it) in 5 sections. My plan was to fuse the individual scans and merge them in revoscan 5.
Now I have 2 problems.

  1. I cannot update my my software . My Mac book pro gives me a safety alert. Unidentified software, bla bla
  2. if I try to fuse the scans the Programm freezes showing fusion processing but it’s not doing it.

Any help?


Hi Robert

Seriously no idea what is going on and why it freezes while processing and I don’t want to guess , beside I only use Windows.

Please write to customer@revopoint3d.com
Include info about your operation system and scanner you use and for faster support record the error on your screen if possible if not try using your phone and send it for evaluation.

I will tag in @Revopoint-Jane
Just in case to check on this later this evening.

Hi, I managed to update the software and got it to work


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Thank you Robert for letting us know .
I mentioned your issues to the team yesterday.

Glad it got resolved !