First time scan. How do I improve my scanning output?

You will never get the same results on your phone as you get on your laptop .
The quality on the phone is much lower for an obvious reason .

Your phone don’t suppose to work on one cable , you need to use Mobile cable , USB A to power bank and USB C to data on your phone . Only if you use WiFi on your phone you can power POP2 also via your phone .


Try to uncheck the " remove plane" under Depth camera window and step away with your object , it is much to big for feature mode to be used with turntable . Go for the face mode .

Do you know that having check in the " remove Plane" limit the amount of volume details you can capture ?
This option is useful when using marker mode in general .


Good question.
I also see my CPU maxed out but the GPU only at 10%.
Any thoughts on this ?

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Revo Scan CPU architecture is what allows it to handle unusually large polycounts even on relatively modest hardware. Most other programs are traditionally restrained by hardware limitations, but you can get still great performance in Revo Scan on a laptop or 10 year old CPU without an industrial grade GPU.

In short changing the architecture of the software will limit other users from using it .
Don’t forget that Revo Scan relating on virtual memory and a lot of it .

@scobo71 did you got the latest update of Revo Scan ? Because I don’t see my CPU getting even closer to 100% while processing , and if it do , it is for couple of seconds while it write down the mesh data to the HD . It runs at 12% while fussing . All the point cloud data is loaded into RAM before it is processed reaching sometimes 32GB .


Personally, I think they should adapt the processing to OpenCL, which can automatically allocate CPU and GPU resources so everyone’s system delivers the best performance.

It would take some re-programming, but it would provide the best results for professionals as well as hobbyists.

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It is a good idea in theory, but it will never works in practice in processing data of this kind .
Unless you GPU can load 32GB of data and minimal of 16GB it gonna fall back on CPU , not practical and the amount of people that would benefit from that is very small, that is not even worthy the time, money and effort to profit from that.

We can’t even get dark theme for Revo Scan and Revo Studio, so don’t expect they going to write a new software for something that will not even the regular consumer can benefit from.

Properly written, and with PCI 4.0 and NVMe drives, I think a Swap File approach would work. It could avoid the Point Cloud being divvied up according to available memory.

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That is just a theory that nobody yet made into reality for this kind of data processing that relaying heavily on virtual memory to begin with .

In this case you will be better off with an Artec pro scanner , will cost you less

Yeah latest versions of Revo Scan and Revo Studio.
Just tried meshing a 258MB point cloud with Revo Studio. Took 2.5 minutes.
GPU was around 30% the whole time with the odd spike at 100%, CPU started at around 10% then hit 100% after 1.5 mins and stayed there for the rest of the mesh time.


Yes for meshing it uses CPU more intensive what is understandable , it do the same in Revo Scan while meshing plus it write down the data to your project folder. In Studio it stays under virtual memory until you don’t save it down.

I was recording the process couple of times to see what is happening after the update .
The GPU got higher spike since it preload the mesh after meshing.
That are normal activity .


There is only one important setting what is Gain under Depth Cam preview , if it is wrong , your scan will be bad , all depends on it including your textures later.

If Depth cam preview is too bright and you see lots of red/white areas , reduce it to minimum , if still too bright , reduce your Ambient lighting . No direct lights from the windows as it can interfere, best is LED light as it do not interfere with IF sensors when using POP/2

To edit your textures and removing markers , you need to use 3D software in projection mode that can handle that , Photoshop, Zbrush, Substance Painter , Blender etc… Revo Scan or Studio do not process texture editing or modeling of the mesh, you need to use your own software for that kind of job .

I am still wondering why you put the markers there , did you even used marker mode for that scan ?

Thanks for the information. Will use my Desktop Ryzen 5 CPU for this which is paired to a GTX780 (because GPUs are still expensive).

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Thanks for the reply. After playing around with it, I noticed that the ambient lighting is more than sufficient and since lighting is constant throughout the day as it is not direct sunlight and it is not windy, I will continue to use it.

I just tried with the markers to see if it registered well-especially the vault of the skull which is a smooth round-like shape. However, since I now know it is possible to use cloudcompare to mesh the skull. I will try to do that next with the same skull without markers as I think it will give superior results compared to me trying to manually align (getting the scan surface to be green) in Revoscan as I can avoid redundant scanning.

Another thing I noticed is that I need a USB switch to turn on/off the turntable, rather than using the on/off button on the turntable itself. I see that it is better to start scanning before the turntable turn rather than turning and turning on the scanner. Or maybe that is me. Right now I just manually plug in/pull a longer USB cord to the turntable which does not disrupt scanning.

On another note, is it better to do batch processing or individual processing? I noticed when I changed the folder for scanning, the log files are still in the default “C://user/(username)/handylookdata” folder. I was thinking of placing the scanned files to Onedrive/NAS and use my Ryzen PC to process it but it is not possible without manually copying all the files to it. Also, if I do a scanning error/restart scanning, I noticed the original folder made with files are still there-taking up HD space. While scanning the skull, restart scanning will result in a around 1 GB data already present in the folder. Sometimes, Just delete all the folders which give me poor scan or after I get the final scanned object just to save space. Cleared 4 GB of data there.

Even though I specified the output folder in Settings, and again in the Scan Configuration window, I have noticed that the storage directory remains unchanged until I change the folder when exporting the scan. After that, it continues placing files there, but stops building a default filename based on the timestamp.

I can live with that.

I just cleaned days ago over 800GB of data I did not needed anymore .
Each time you start new session everything is saved to it own folder .

That why when you are not happy with the scan , you click the restart button and not back button to scan new scan as it will create new session .

3D data can take lots of space
That why early phone users complained about and now we do not have any cache project data on the phones no more , so we have to fuse it on the phones , that was bad decision from Revopoint to change that .
I could just scan objects on the phone and fuse it later on PC , now I have to wait forever and fuse it each time on the phone , waste of time and battery .

So keep pushing the restart button in place of create new scan session to avoid clogging your HD with data you don’t need .