Fiberglass mould making made easier with 3d scanning

on this project I needed to make a full roof mould to be able to make new roofs the same as this one we have made from scratch

the problem was that the shape made it impossible to do it in one piece so I used a scan done with the Revopoint MIRACO 3D Scanner feature mode ( I could have used Range 2 or any of the other scanners in marker mode to scan it )

to create a cut line in Fusion 360 and use my 1400 x 900 mm 130w laser to cut foam board to the perfect profile of the roof, then I used hot glue to fix the profile to the roof

glued in position

front half fiberglass done and half the foam board removed

foam board removed ready for the back fiberglass and foam board inserted into the window gap

back fiberglass done

finished 4 piece mould ready to make more roofs


Wow I love the process, Great work I have to say !
Have you done some reverse engineering on your scans ?
Where are you located ?

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Excellent as usual Johnathan :+1:t2:

@geonsx check @Johnathan showcases in the forum , lots of great reverse engineering work .


Thank you for the reference !


wow…this is exactly why i bought the range 2. that you for the insanely awesome documentation.

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