Feature mode keeps moving a lot

Hello, i have a problem with Revo Pop3D Scanner and Revo Scan 5.

I want to scan the next figure.

I use a spray 3D scanner to make it more detectable (original colour is steel) but it is hard to have a replica of this figure:
I did the following actions:

  1. Scan top and bot (with common surfaces) and merge. When I align the result merged it is not equal to the figure.
  2. Use Marker mode. It works very well for top or bottom of figure but only for one. I can not use feature mode to scan the other part and marker mode doesn’t work for this(it records by position).
  3. Use feature mode but it moves a lot
  4. Use marker mode and scan just 1 scene by lateral and try to close the hole. The hole obtained it is not okay. Maybe I could use some software to make a base and close the hole?

In summary, for simmetrycal figures of steel, it is very hard to get a good result , I appreciate some help
Could you give me some tips ?? thank you have a good day

Hi @revouser 3D structured scanners are not really good for scanning symmetrical objects as the technology requires the objects to be none symmetrical to keep the tracking .

In short I would suggest you add some elements to your scanned scene , some bits or whatever you have , it will stabilize the scanning session and tracking using feature mode , losing tracking because of lack of feature will make the scan to jump so that is all normal behavior and nothing abnormal .

There are tools that allows you to close the holes .

Check the Tutorial section in the forum for more tips Tutorials - Revopoint 3D

If you like to work with point cloud and edit it , you can also try free Point cloud software called "Cloud Compare " where you have more possibilities and functions .

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Thank you for your answer , it is very helpful.
To print a 3D Scan, what software do you recommend to align the figure refering to the base?
For example, I have this figure

I would like to align that a thick surface make contact with the build plate.
Ultimaker Cura has a function but I think maybe there are better tools.

Thank you for sharing your experience.
Have a good day

Hi, about the reply before…

When you scan with Revo a figure with a lot of holes. Can we expect scan inside of this holes fine? or we should expect to have a post-processing making the holes manual ? If we have to post-process the holes, what would be the best tool?
Greetings, appreciate this forum

For printing I use Prusa slicer , you can adjust also directions using Cloudy Compare software , it is free also . It have lots of tools .

I also use Zbrush , but there is plenty of 3D editing software you can use like Blender , Mesh Mixer etc…

Regarding your question about the holes , it is not always possible due to depth of the holes .
Normally you should create reverse engineered model based on the scan as that what should be done if it get about technical objects where the precision is needed .

But if you use Prusa Slicer , there are option to actually create holes while printing even if there are none … so if you are not advanced in 3D modeling you can easy create the right dimension holes in your prints the more easy way .

THank you for your reply, it is very helpful.
I got a good result scanning using the tips before.

I want to ask you if I can use software like ‘inventor’ normal with a 3D scan ? because i want to make a hole in the 3d SCAN in inventor and it give me errors.

Do you know if it is appropiated use a 3D scan and import to inventor? maybe the number of triangles/faces/vertix make not working the holes function in inventor?
Greetings, have a good day

Sorry I don’t use this software so I can’t help you out here .

Maybe @Seb or @Xile6 or @Ispanico97 can give you a hind in this case . They do often reverse engineering.
I am in organic reconstructions and modeling .

I am unsure on that. I do not use invertor for this type of work.
But i know you can not directly at the stl. It would have to be converted to a solid.
Then you can use sketches.

But it seems the model has a very high count of triangles and will probably process slow.
It is best to use a reverse engineering software, like geomagic or quicksurface.
It is possible to do it in fusion 360.
By importing the mesh and converting the mesh.
It would simply process slow as it is not design to handle these kind of models


I don’t use Inventor, but I think it’s a geomagic design type software which is made to create a model by reverse engineering rather than software made to modify a scan directly like Meshmixer, 3d builder or blender which would be more suited to what you want to do (make a base flat by cutting it, make a hole etc… your model may also be too heavy to process, you sometimes have to reduce and simplify the mesh before you can import it in Cad software with Meshlab, blender, Meshmixer or other. Hoping to have helped you.

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You are right, there are many triangles and it needs to be converted to solid.
In my case, Inside inventor you can use the add-on ‘Mesh Enabler’ that allows you to convert your mesh to a solid. When the conversion is complete you can use that solid normally.
Using the tips before I can import a 3D Scan in inventor and work it with the normal behaviour that you expect from a model in Inventor.

Have a good day

Hi, I use Fusion and I can tell you how to operate in this software.
Actually, Fusion and Inventor are very similar, so it might also work in Inventor.
To make a modification on a mesh in Fusion, you should convert the mesh file into a body file, which is what Fusion and all CAD software work with. The process is not very fast and requires some practice.
Actually, there is an automatic conversion from Mesh to Body, but the result is often very approximate and depends a lot on the starting Mesh. Processing times are long, and with meshes over 10,000 faces, it tends to become very demanding for the PC.
An alternative, if you only need to create holes or other small modifications, would be to create these modifications as bodies, convert them to mesh, still within Fusion, and then perform boolean addition or subtraction.
To simplify the process, if you need to create a hole in a mesh, once the model is loaded, you just need to create a cylinder that intersects with the mesh and represents the hole to be created, convert this cylinder into a mesh, and then, using the Combine command, perform a boolean subtraction.
If the mesh is heavy and the PC not very powerful, it will still take you a few minutes, but it is the fastest solution to perform this operation in Fusion.
I created a video specifically to try to explain it better, because maybe described like this it seems difficult.

Obviously, as others have already told you, the same operation can also be performed in software that works directly on meshes.
If instead you just want to see a quick hint on how to do a simple reverse engineering, I’ll leave you the link to this other video.

I hope I’ve been helpful and if you need anything else, let me know.
Bye, Daniele.


Thank you very much for making a video to explain better how to perform the holes operation with CAD Software. It is very helpful to make deep holes that the Scan does not detect.

Really appreciate the effort of the Revo community. Thank you all.

Have a good day

Thank you Daniele , Jermaul and Sebastien for your prompt responses and help , really appreciate it guys!

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You’re welcome.
You’re too kind. It’s genuinely a pleasure to be able to help out. I believe that’s what community is all about, supporting each other and enabling everyone to grow.