Dimension of image

Good morning, I was onto beta 5.02 into next upgrade is possible to have
1 - the image onto the side more big… how can you see I can’t understand nothing…

2 - And also for me that I make different scan of the same object… will be very important join toghether
two project… because I made many test outside for big object… and with phone I don’t know of the start a project and continue onto the same project… so i start always a new project… after when I’m at home i must import different project… but it’s difficolt because of the name that you give to the progect and to the impossibility to have a preview of the file I want to import…

3 - when I rename a project… is possible to change also the original directory and the file inside… otherwise I can’t find the file that I have renamed…

4 - insert a bottom to save the image into JPG or BMP of the screen… so i can use for have a library…

Let me know… and best compliment for this version most usefull and powerfull than the other…

The image is in the project folder at a bigger resolution , it is image of the project and it will be always just one image not of the multiple scans that the project is holding , before you could click on the image to resize it, I don’t know why it is not working anymore .

Projects are not just scans , they can’t be merged , you just need to import all your projects and fuse them on computer, after that you can import the fused files into one fresh project and continue work .
Android app is just for capturing , there are no functions to add additional scans to a single project.

A Project folder is a project folder, it cant rename your files inside to the same name as that are 2 different thing in RS5 , you need to separately rename the scans inside your project after you open your project in RS5
Before it was different , now the project can host many scans , and renaming it cant rename the files inside as that would never works .

And image of the project is saved automatic after you click Save the project after editing . The model that is visible on the screen will be saved as the picture .

Another question,
sometime I scan with phone, sometime with a Surface PC ,
when I have a project onto the PC how I can copy to another PC to make the fusion…
Into the new program how I can say look there are many project into the directory update the list onto the project???
Can you insert a bottom… find other project and update the file list…

Onother problem, for me is I rename the project onto the list of project…
but when I go to the
the name of the directory doesn’t change so I don’t know how project keep…

Let me know… I have made plenty of test and I can’t understand nothing…

if i have a mesh file can i make it back to raw file???
On certain files I can’t why???

I have the project export point cloud
into another project I import

Imported only fused??? Why in that way I cant merge two scan…
let me know where is the mistake…

1- p.s. in the phone there is the possibility to stop at the first step of the process without doing the final mesh…
I need it to understand if I have scanned everything or if I am missing some pieces…

2 -is there possibility to resize first screen in window???
And especially the second insert + and -
because I have a bigger screen and I can’t resize it on the tablet…
consequently I don’t have to move left and right when I scan…

when start the app

when start for the scan I can’t arrive to reduce the dimension so I can’t use the app correctly…

3 - My work sequence (I don’t know if I’m wrong maybe there is a better sequence)

i have 3-4 projects

I open first I clean it
I change the name within the project and save only the point cloud in a directory that I have to select every time.
unless I exit and change the name to the project
then I create new project
I import all the point clouds and only then can I start merging all the scans.
Is correct or there is a better way???

The stop button is missing , but you can just stop and not process anything , when you click complete , you just go back and click the top left arrow to get home and start new scan , the ptojyst can be fused later after import on PC , not need to be processed on the phone at all .

The first screen HOME never resize even on a proper resolution , it is just a square window in the middle of the screen and there is nothing you can do to rescale it to full screen size

Yes that is the best workflow for now … if you have multiple imported projects .

When you working on PC , you can scan them all under just one project , on the phone sadly one one scan per project

You can only go back to Raw , if your original project has all the data from scanning

You can’t import one project into another project , only fuse files or mesh .

So your imported fused files can’t be inverted to something what is not there .
You can go back to fused from meshed .

But never to raw if this project is not original scanning project .

You can’t change the name directory , go to another location under Preferences/General and create a new directory

The original directory name can’t be changed as it is defoult program directory

I know that possibility, but for understand if I have keep all I ned the first step of point cloud fusion only not the mesh… but if I pres process it goes directly onto meshed with bad result…

My problem is that always I’m not into an office because I test outside… and with difficolt pieces…

And always I go back home and I loose some particular…that I must come back into the site to rescan…

Like that statue… I miss some part…
A- is possible to reload onto phone a scan already made and upgrade the scan with another scan… or better made a scan and after rejoin into office… remembering the missing part…

May be I make some error…
many time the laser loose the position, I come back and manytime it refound the position but wrong… and I don’t see I have worst scan that I can’t use for rejoint the model…
How is better… make vertical scan or round scan outour the statue…
And for the undersquare I have big problem…

it happen many times like that…that the scan is unusable…
but if I can’t fuse the scan I can’t see only with the point…

C - sometime onto the fone when I was scanning the software zoom the model and come back and for me is difficolt to understand if is correct or I was making something wrong… it’s normal…

D- what happens when I found the scan like that??

I will trying to scan a little part of a stemma…

In that case I start form frontal, and when I try to go right to keep the angle and come back to the left it make that problem…
also for that part
I wasn’t be able to scan correctly…

the scanner loose every time the position…

Right now it is the way it is , and there is no other way around , I know it is not ideal but we have to wait for another solution and changes .

That don’t not matters what direction you are going , as long there are features that can be tracked .

It all depends of the object and you have to find a way to approach it the right way , make couple of tests and see what works best for you , scan multiple fragments , merge it later etc…

I don’t use a phone for that kind of job to begin with , to just avoid all the issues you have .
A phone is too small to me to see what I am doing if it get about precision job .

BTW you have a question about moving files from one computer to another , just use USB stick and scan directly to it , you will be able to move it between computers , I do that from my windows tablet to PC and works excellent.

My problem is that on surface I have only one usb, and I’m afraid that using directly on usb and something happens to usb… I loose all the work…
But I ask that because into 5 version onto the first page there was all the project onto pc… but If I copy another project from another PC
version 5 automatically updates with new projects, it doesn’t seem like it to me… how can I tell to the software to update the project list based on what you find in the root directory???

The project list is only for the last project files generated or imported via phone , it is not for all your project files you dumped into the directory , it never was before either .
Also at this moment you can only open projects generated with RS5, old projects made with RS4 will not open since they are different extension and files .

In short the Home page of RS5 is not a browser for all your projects .

So how I can move the project that I have elaborate from my pc at home and bring to my pc into office???

Buy yourself a portable hard drive if you don’t want to use USB stick .

Copy the project to your hard drive and then load it up from it to RS5 at your office .