Clean Edge Selectiontool

Yeah that’s a nice workaround. But it’s still a bug at the software wich need to be fixed.

@ivan I know what he mean and it’s a good idea. Maybe tomorrow I can make a Video.

In short: double click on the edge to select the whole edge, than hit shift and scroll with the mouse wheel to select more.

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Here is the Video, but at 2:04 i got a problem, i cant merge the new Mesh in RevoScan… :frowning:

Thank you very much! :pray:

Yes that´s weird. :thinking: I´ll try it out on a file and see I have the problem, too.

To merge successfully 2 scans they need to have at least the same quality , I see one of them you merge are very low quality and very noisy and bumpy , you can’t get the same quality if one looks great and the other not , no matter what you use to fix the edges , only scans with precise the same accuracy will give you best results . Think about it .

The edges are bad on every scan that is another story as there is not enough data an accuracy captured and tat should not be the case .

That’s exactly what I’m trying to achieve with this thread. We’re deviating a bit from the topic. Essentially, I want RevoPoint to fix the issue in RevoScan where the edges fold away by trimming them during processing. This should be algorithmically feasible and included in the software. You know that this already worked in previous versions.


Yes it worked just perfect before the end of December last year … it was fixed … but somehow it did not made to the final version .

I was just about to write a suggestion about this when i found this post. it is really annoying, since the surface quality from the MINI is awesome, but the merging feature is almost unusable in the current state. When you have multiple models to scan, cleaning up each seam manually is a nightmare.

I will be looking into scripting with some external tools to load all point clouds in a project and trim the edges automatically.

@revopoint please listen to @PUTV and us!! :slight_smile:


Is the MESH used for merging? i thought it only works with the POINT CLOUD?
I can edit the ply point cloud in meshlab and replace the project file and it loads correctly in revo scan and merges. it’s a bit finnicky atm because to select the “edge” of the model in a point cloud you have to first polygonize it and delete the edges in the mesh, afterwards use the mesh vertices to create a new point cloud and export.
To do it manually is cumbersome, but well suited for pymeshlab.
If i have something working i can post it here, not much time at the moment.

Meshed can’t be merged in this case , it is the point cloud , but if you going to edit it out , better use Cloud Compare for merging , it has professional registration .

In Revo Scan 5 at this moment you need to clean out the point cloud after merging from all lose points and double points before meshing too . It do not clean the extras for some reason but I guess the future updates will fix that soon .

Hi @SphaeroX

We now intend to delve deeper into this issue. Can you send us the project for this model?

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Unfortunately I no longer have the model as some time has passed. But maybe @PUTV can say more about it or has something ready. The error is definitely reproducible.

Ok, thank you, I’ll look for @PUTV for more info.

I already sent. The project to Jane , like 10 min ago