Suggestion for Revoscan Software - Auto trimming edges

It would be really useful if Revoscan could auto-trim fluttery edges as a step before merging single scans.

Don’t get your hopes up too much, I already criticized that a year ago :see_no_evil:

It’s a bug since RevoScan 5.

oh yeah, an old issue, and the cure qould be so simple…

You need to clean and trim your point clouds edges before merging , that is a standard procedure to avoid issues after merging or while merging.

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The Software needs to do this, not me, I paid.

The old code did it well, maybe they should look at the code from the archive.

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That’s not true Daniel
Editing work belongs to the user
This is workflow done with all scanners on a market .
The software job is to deliver a point cloud . Anything after is on you.

That’s why scanning is the most expensive 3D service , it is not a magic button .

Some software actually does just what you need, allowing you to select the outermost points with a click and delete them.
This makes the workflow easier and faster.

PUTV, your loyalty is honourable, but you told yourself there is a software bug which causes problems merging scans. This bug isn’t cured until now. Two years ago. This is an old discussion.
Revoscan is in competition. If their products are better than the rest, there will be success.
Your statement is not customer-friendly.

I will test it later and take the raw data from the scan to check if it comes from the software. But even if it comes from the software, you could use the hole selection tool to detect all edges and shrink them slightly to eliminate this diffraction. I already suggested this in my improvement proposal, explaining how it works.

You proposal is correct and it should be applied to raw data.
Auto select edge of any single frame (all toghether obviously) and delete it. Let the user to decide how much material to remove.

I just did a scan because I wanted to test it. But it seems that Revopoint has already fixed it. At least in the mesh generation, you can clearly see in the images that it is present in the point cloud but does not appear in the mesh. Try testing it

(RevoScan 5.6.1 MetroX)

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It can’t be changed because of the current algorithms
Even if it was doing different edges they will be still not cut clean and you have to do it no matter what . In Revo Scan 4 the edges was not fussy yet you still needed to cut it right in Revo Studio for best merge results
You missing my point and what I am saying .

You will need selection by edges to do that .
Well tools like that are not available at this moment so you have to trim it manually.

Ok, a tools like that can be useful. Maybe, it can be implemented in future release.

It doesn’t help trimming the mesh’s edges, because the clouds are merged, not the meshes.

the hole detection tool could be used for this


Hole detection can be used only with mesh. We need to repair point cloud before fusion.

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That’s is possible , I suggest you post it under Feedback and suggestions

You trim it before merging not after meshing .
It gives better results when you remove everything and just leave the 20% overlap only what is needed .