Background colour change?

I’ve been thinking :thinking:

Similar to the advances that have been made in the model display colour and reflectivity within RS5, is there any chance we could have the option to change the background colour?

Just personally from an image capture point of view I’d quite like to easily be able to choose a presentation colour.

If I was to use an example it would be in Siemens NX there are the simple background colours of White, Light Gray, Dark Gray, Graduated Light Gray, Graduated Dark Grey.

They also have a Light and Dark theme for the background which alters selection and cursor colours.


Hi Gary,

That sounds like good advice. I wanted to ask you what you think would be the benefit of different background colors? Would a specific background color render the best results when scanning a certain type of object, for example?

Can you give us a few examples? This would help us better evaluate whether to add this feature or not.

Thank you! :grinning: