Acusense color problem

I am using the Acusense camera ( firmware version : v1.0.14.20200802, algorithm version : v2.9.2.0814) on Ubuntu 20.04 and I always get some reddish images (blue channel is always 0) … do you have some advices ?

Hi! Sorry for asking, but what does this have to do with Revopoint scanners which this forum is about? :thinking:


Just need help about a revopoint sensor and thought that β€œ” was about all revopoint products. And maybe users of scanner also use 3D cameras I don’t know. Just trying to find a solution to this sorry if I am bothering you

Hi @lcuau

This forum is only and exclusive about Revopoint products and no other brands
Meaning 3D Scanners in general .

If you use other revopoint products than 3D scans please write for your technical issues .

Other brands discussion and support is against the forum TOS .

If I am right he Acusense Camera IS a Revopoint product

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Ok I know what you talking about.

Please contact for technical assistance .