About the Welcome category

Hi, Welcome to Revopoint 3D Forum!
If you are a Revopoint 3D scanner or camera user, you can share your experience here with everyone.
If you want to buy a Revopont 3D scanner or camera, you can find users‘ experience.
If you have any ideas to share with us, please leave a message. We will be more than glad to respond.
You can introduce yourself in this category and meet more friends here! Have fun!

Hello, thanks for the invitation.
Normally if FedEx don’t make error I will receive the pop today :sunglasses:
Excited to compare them to my Sense 2 scanner and give feedback.

Thanks also for the beta tester opportunity

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Grazie per l’invito, il mio POP 3D, non sò quando arriverà, ma mi interessa molto conoscere trucchi e scorciatoie per delle buone scansioni, questa è la prima volta in questo mondo. Non vedo l’ora di iniziare. Il mio campo è l’automotive, spero di confrontarmi con qualcuno nel campo della scansione 3D.

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I’m looking forward to getting my scanner in May!

Ringrazio per l’invito nel forum. Sono un hobbista della stampa 3D, Ho una Prusa ed una Snapmaker A350. Resto in fremente attesa dello scanner per avere più possibilità di divertimento e sono sicuro che questo Forum sarà un valido aiuto. Ciao a tutti.

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Thanks, hope to receive it asap!
Grazie, spero di riceverlo presto!


Thank you for the invitation.

Waiting patiently for my Pop 3d scanner to arrive. Was scheduled to be delivered today but not received it yet. Hopefully by tomorrow I will have it in hand. I also will be beta testing this unit. I’m from the UK.

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I will use this scanner for my print service shop waiting for the scanner exited to test it thank you

5 posts were merged into an existing topic: Expressing interest

Bonjour, merci pour votre accueil
Impatient de recevoir mon scanner

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This thing has so much potential… Yes it has some issues. But overcome and grow we will support you

Hi @etechjoe ,

Welcome to this forum!

Yes, we will keep overcoming the difficulties and improving our software. Thank you so much for your support.

Best Regards